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This study investigates the effect of preparation warning on the functional connectivity between forearm muscles during movement's initiation. The Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is the used indicator. It is calculated for muscle pairs activated during a handgrip exercice. They are innervated by the same nerve or by different nerves. Results show that: i) NMI is more important when muscles pairs...
This paper studies the effect of preparation instruction on pre-motor activity in EMG signals. Two kinds of trials are investigated, the first one uses a warning signal for mental preparation of a contraction while the second one does not use any preparation warning. Time domain analysis has been carried out in order to select Relative Power (RP) and Preparation Duration (PD) as relevant features...
This paper deals with muscles behavior analysis during pre-motor activity and during transition step from preparation to effective muscle activity. It aims evaluating gender differences and determining the relationship between pre-motor activity and transition step. Three features are used, they are Relative Power RP and Preparation Duration PD for pre-motor activity and Transition Slope TS for transition...
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