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An important goal for prostate cancer therapy is to identify novel mechanisms of androgen signaling that may provide new targets for androgen blockade therapy. Androgen regulated target genes continue to be identified, and include genes with regulatory regions containing 1) classical dimeric androgen receptor elements, or 2) sites for other transcription factors that tether androgen receptor to a...
The purpose of this study was to learn to what extent carotid collateral circulation is efficient in maintaining cephalic blood flow in the sheep fetus. Under halothane anaesthesia six fetal sheep at 124–135 days of gestation were instrumented with inflatable occluders around both common carotid arteries, an inductive flow probe around one external carotid artery, and arterial catheters to measure...
Baroreceptor reflexes control arterial pressure in fetal sheep at least from day 120 of gestation. The carotid baroreceptors are involved in the feed-back mechanism. The isolated carotid sinus preparation opens the closed-loop system and has proved useful in adults to investigate quantitatively the relationship between input pressure signals and the resultant output effects on heart rate and peripheral...
Baroreceptors are located in both carotid sinuses, the aortic arch and pulmonary artery which in the fetus may participate in baroreceptor reflexes (BRRs) via the ductus arteriosus. The various baroreceptor regions may evoke different BRR responses but this has not been investigated in fetal sheep. When fetal systemic arterial pressure is increased, BRR related reactions induce fetal bradycardia...
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