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2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM)
Our daily environments become more and more populated with technology, creating so-called smart environments. In these environments, pervasive applications can make use of remote resources in order to improve their user experience. Streaming content from one device to a remote display has become very popular since the release of consumer products such as Apple's AirPlay or Google's Chromecast, if...
The KID (Knowledge-Information-Data) model is a unified structure which unifies data, information, and knowledge. It is also a data driven process in the data transformation process from data, to information, and then to knowledge. In this process, knowledge is enriched and enhanced with continuous perception of the external context and at the three stages of the data transformation. In other words,...
Devices equipped with accelerometer sensors such as today's mobile devices can make use of motion to exchange information. A typical example for shared motion is shaking of two devices which are held together in one hand. Deriving a shared secret (key) from shared motion, e.g. for device pairing, is an obvious application for this. Only the keys need to be exchanged between the peers and neither the...
Enabling kitchen safety is crucial for elderly people independent living. Cooking, usually, is accompanied with several risks particularly for elderly people, due to aging associated impairments. Therefore, cooking-safe environment is required to enhance safety of elderly people. This is the motivation behind our research work on building a cooking-safe system. In this paper, we present the fuzzy-logic...
On the basis of nonlinear model predictive control, a formation controller is designed for a group of missiles by regulating the flight path angles in a proper manner. According to the formation requirement and the practical location of the leader missile, a dynamic virtual guidance point is generated for each follower missile. The formation control of follower missiles is considered as a dynamic...
Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) is an emerging wireless communications technique for resolving the significant spectrum scarcity problem. Despite its promising characteristics, CRNs also introduce new security threats especially the internal attacks during the spectrum sensing process, which can degrade the efficiency of spectrum sensing. To address this issue, this paper proposes a distributed cooperative...
Gesture-controlled applications typically are tied to specific gestures, and also tied to specific recognition methods and specific gesture-detection devices. We propose a concern-separation architecture, which mediates the following concerns: gesture acquisition, gesture recognition, and gestural control. It enables application developers to respond to gesture-independent commands, recognized using...
The success of Cloud Computing and the resulting expansion of large data centers result in a huge rise of electrical power consumption by hardware facilities. Consolidation of virtual machines (VM) is one of the key strategies used to reduce the energy consumed by Cloud servers. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of a consolidation strategy strongly depends on the forecast of the needs of the VM resources...
This paper provides a review of technology that has emerged to facilitate pervasive brain-computer interface applications. Such technology is beginning to be applied to the human-computer interface, as part of multimodal interaction. As the technology taps into brain state and provides an associated quantitative assessment, it has potential for the real-time assessment of a person's cognitive state...
In this work, we develop the Business Platform for demand side management in energy sector. This paper introduces the Business Platform and describes the development of the pilot platform and main components. In addition, main applications such as Automated Demand Response (AutoDR) and Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx) is presented. One of main components of the platform is the Big Data Management...
In Human Activity Recognition (HAR) supervised and semi-supervised training are important tools for devising parametric activity models. For the best modelling performance, typically large amounts of annotated sample data are required. Annotating often represents the bottleneck in the overall modelling process as it usually involves retrospective analysis of experimental ground truth, like video footage...
Self-management blood glucose (SMBG) and bolus calculations are pivotal components of evidence-based standard of care for young diabetics receiving multiple daily insulin injections. This paper aims at developing a smart bolus estimator that takes into account the amount of insulin on board (IoB), i.e. Insulin remaining in the patient's body, to reduce fear of hypoglycemia and achieve goals of glycemic...
This paper focuses on the application of full-fieldoptical coherence tomography (FF-OCT) imaging on quantifyingcoating thickness and characterizing coating structures of two layerpharmaceutical pellets. This FF-OCT system used aninexpensive infrared light-emitting diode (LED) as the opticalsource and a commercial high speed complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor (CMOS) camera as the detector. A total...
Early detection of breast cancer using a radio frequency application is technically challenging, but potentially of great importance since it would be fast and cheap to implement. This paper explores an ideal ultra-wideband application for detecting tumour cancer within breast tissues using an FDTD numerical method. 1D, 2D and 3D FDTD models are investigated experimentally and the best ways of identifying...
In applications of personalized recommendation, user similarity of common clustering algorithms only considers user relationship without considering relationship between users and items, the similarity above reduces the accuracy of clustering, making it difficult to find similar users, and the same with item similarity. This paper improves the distance function of data clustering algorithm by Hamming...
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