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For the defect of CNC system openness, making collection, transmission CNC machining data very difficult. This paper apply a real-time DNC technology, OPC technology to achieve information collection, transmission and processing of CNC machine tools successfully, and ultimately realize the development of CNC machine tools' fault warning and diagnostic systems.
Once the Five-axis CNC machine tools' breakdown of mechanical systems occurred, which maintenance will take for a long time, and result in huge economic losses. In this paper, adopting sensor installation, collecting typical mechanical components' signal, such as vibration, temperature of the CNC machine tools, building mechanical components performance-degradation model which based on the dynamic...
This article describes the characteristics and definitions of cloud-manufacture and focus on the two properties of the manufacturing equipment resources in cloud manufacturing systems: Static and dynamic properties. Perception of the manufacturing equipment is essentially the acquisition of these two properties. propose the device identification methods, data collection methods and data transfer protocol...
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