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Green wireless networks are characterized by devices that are pervasively deployed and that harvest energy from the surrounding environment. Devices are also endowed with low-power triggering techniques (e.g., wake-up radios) to obviate costly idle communication times. In this paper, we present a novel data forwarding strategy for green wireless networks that fully exploits the self-powered wake-up...
This paper concerns the smart exploitation of multimodal communication capabilities of underwater nodes to enable reliable and swift underwater networking. To contrast adverse and highly varying channel conditions we define a smart framework enabling nodes to acquire knowledge on the quality of the communication to neighboring nodes over time. Following a model-based reinforcement learning approach,...
In this paper we propose the adoption of a self-adaptable cross-layer and modular Software Defined Communication Stack (SDCS) for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. The SDCS is a modular stack solution which is capable to run different protocols at each layer of the network stack; a new component, named policy engine, autonomously and adaptively, as the operational conditions vary, selects the protocol...
We consider a three-tier architecture for mobile and pervasive computing scenarios, consisting of a local tier of mobile nodes, a middle tier (cloudlets) of nearby computing nodes, typically located at the mobile nodes access points but characterized by a limited amount of resources, and a remote tier of distant cloud servers, which have practically infinite resources. This architecture has been proposed...
In this paper, we consider an application provider that executes simultaneously periodic long running jobs and needs to ensure a minimum throughput to guarantee QoS to its users; the application provider uses virtual machine (VM) resources offered by an IaaS provider. Aim of the periodic jobs is to compute measures on data collected over a specific time frame. We assume that the IaaS provider offers...
Offloading to external surrogate machines (part of) the workload generated by applications running on mobile nodes has been suggested as a way to improve the mobile user experience. In this paper, we consider a set of mobile users that can offload their computation on Virtual Machines (VMs) instantiated in a cloud infrastructure implemented over a set of femtocells which have been augmented with computational...
In this paper we consider a set of Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, that offer a set of Web services using the Cloud facilities provided by an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider. We assume that the IaaS provider offers a pay only what you use scheme similar to the Amazon EC2 service, comprising flat, on demand, and spot virtual machine instances. We propose a two-stage provisioning...
In this paper we consider several Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, that offer a set of applications using the Cloud facilities provided by an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider. We assume that the IaaS provider offers a pay only what you use scheme similar to the Amazon EC2 service, comprising flat, on demand, and spot virtual machine instances. We propose a two stage provisioning...
Service selection has been widely investigated by the SOA research community as an effective adaptation mechanism that allows a service broker, offering a composite service, to bind at runtime each task of the composite service to a corresponding concrete implementation, selecting it from a set of candidates which differ from one another in terms of QoS parameters. In this paper we present a load-aware...
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