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Retrotransposons have shaped eukaryotic genomes for millions of years. To analyze the consequences of human L1 retrotransposition, we developed a genetic system to recover many new L1 insertions in somatic cells. Forty-two de novo integrants were recovered that faithfully mimic many aspects of L1s that accumulated since the primate radiation. Their structures experimentally demonstrate an association...
The budding yeast SKP1 gene, identified as a dosage suppressor of a known kinetochore protein mutant, encodes an intrinsic 22.3 kDa subunit of CBF3, a multi-protein complex that binds centromere DNA in vitro. Temperature-sensitive mutations in SKP1 define two distinct phenotypic classes. skp1-4 mutants arrest predominantly as large budded cells with a G2 DNA content and short mitotic spindle, consistent...