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In the era of adopting Internet everywhere, the recent modernization through incredible Internet of Things (IoT) makes the world more shrewd and automated. Thousands of users are connected every day in order to get benefits from the promising IoT solutions. Subsequently, a colossal amount of requests demanding different types of services for different IoT eco-system applications are very frequent...
Cloud computing is one of the prime need of today's IT world. Organizations are shifting to the cloud rapidly in order to increase their overall benefits. Cloud computing has virtualization as its backbone. Cloud resources are provided on demand using the Internet and an on-running migration of resources is done by the cloud service provider. Failure is the nature of hardware and same for the software...
Cloud computing is providing different types of services anytime as per its users demand from anywhere through the Internet and hence gaining more and more popularity day by day. With the help of cloud computing, efficient utilization of computing resources is maximized to a great extent. It provides a virtual and programmable infrastructure. Resources are the root of cloud computing, which are provided...
Cloud computing is getting popularity day by day. It provides different techniques for utilizing the power of resources. Most importantly, it provides a programmable infrastructure which can be modified accordingly. Due to its programmable infrastructure it is easy to scale. Cloud computing provides on demand services to the cloud user. Virtualization is the root of cloud computing. Cloud computing...
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