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The objective was to determine the influence of calcium lactate/phosphate enhancement on quality of beef round cuts in high-oxygen modified atmosphere (HiOx-MAP; 80% O2/20% CO2). Mm. semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), and adductor (AD) were divided and assigned to water-injected control (CON), 3mM phosphate (STP), or 200mM calcium lactate/3mM phosphate (CAL/STP) treatments at 24h postmortem...
The objective of this study was to determine calpain system activity and postmortem protein degradation in three muscles from growing (n=6, 7.3±0.5months) and mature (n=6, 106.7±43.1months) beef cattle. The ratio of μ-calpain:total calpastatin activity tended to be lower in mature animals (P=0.08), suggesting reduced potential for proteolysis. Additionally, muscles from the mature group had greater...
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