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Existing fingerprint classification techniques make use of Level-1 or Level-2 features or their combination for fingerprint classification. On the other hand, Level-3 features have not been explored much for fingerprint classification. Specifically, the use of crease for fingerprint classification does not exist in the literature. In this work, we explore the use of crease features for fingerprint...
Sweat pores on fingerprints have proven to be useful features for personal identification. Several methods have been proposed for pore matching. The state-of-the-art method first matches minutiae on the fingerprints and then matches the pores based on the minutia matching results. A problem of such minutia-based pore matching method is that the pore matching is dependent on the minutia matching. Such...
Level-3 fingerprint features from fingerprint images like pores are difficult to capture detect, and involve high resolution scanners with higher ppi count. However, these features provide finer information about a fingerprint characteristics. Furthermore, fingerprint pores may be useful in determining liveness of fingerprint in order to prevent spoofing of fingerprint devices. In this study fingerprint...
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