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We present high performance cold cathodes composed of arrays of carbon nanotube bundles that routinely produce > 15 A/cm2 at applied fields of 5 to 8 V/µm without any beam focusing. They have exhibited robust operation in poor vacuums of 10-6 to 10-4 Torr- a typically achievable range inside hermetically sealed microcavities. A new double-SOI process was developed to monolithically integrate a...
Owing to its simple scheme and no magnet requirement, a reflex klystron is considered as a suitable device for a compact, high frequency vacuum electron device. There exists an effort to develop a terahertz reflex klystron, so-called nanoklystron.(H. Manohara et al., 2005). To increase the output power, our research group have devised a photonic crystal reflex klystron which employs a high-order-mode...
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