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Obesity treatment is necessary and possible. The proper assessment of patients, appropriate goal setting and a planned intervention program (eating, activity and behavior modification) are the critical components. A weight maintenance program is an essential ingredient once weight loss has been achieved. In those in whom primary intervention fails to achieve medically satisfactory weight loss, additional...
The etiology of obesity and its treatment have progressed from a relatively simplistic stance during the 18th and 19th centuries to the current diversity of treatments. As a consequence of the significant rise in incidence and prevalence of overweight and obesity during the 20th century, scientific research has risen commensurately and provided insight into better dietary, medical and surgical management...
Expert panels recommend that obese individuals attempt to lose 10% of their initial body weight through a program of diet, physical activity, and behavior therapy. Behavioral treatment provides a set of principles and techniques to help people modify their eating and activity habits. Patients typically lose approximately 10% of initial weight in 16–26 weeks of treatment. Factors associated with long‐term...
Exercise or increased physical activity is recommended as an important strategy for prevention of unhealthy weight (re)gain and as an effective adjunct to the treatment of obesity. This is not only because of the favorable effects on body weight and body composition, but also because of weight loss‐independent beneficial health effects.
Exercise training alone or in combination with an energy‐restricted...
Only two drugs are currently approved in most countries for long‐term use in the treatment of obesity, with a third drug approved in Europe and elsewhere. Four other drugs are approved in the US for short‐term use and may have different recommendations for use elsewhere. In using drugs for the treatment of obesity, evaluating the risk–benefit profile is an essential first step. The drug must have...
Surgical options for the treatment of obesity have been available for more than 50 years but introduction of the laparoscopic approach to obesity surgery and the availability of the adjustable gastric band have led to a strong growth in use of bariatric surgery in the last 10 years. Current techniques include Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and biliopancreatic bypass...
Today we realize that the amount of weight loss achieved and maintained has to be realistic, and be viewed from the perspective of the natural weight development in humans in our current society, weight which increases over time.
Relatively small amounts of weight loss significantly improve metabolic factors.
Weight cycling probably does not have negative medical effects but may be linked to more...
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