Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) is a distributed systems formed by wireless mobiles nodes, that can dynamically self organize into arbitrary and temporary networks with no pre-existing communication infrastructure. After initialization, one of a crucial issue in ad-hoc network, is how to transmit items held by the stations to their destinations called Permutation Routing. As mobiles devises are dependant on battery power, it is important that this permutation routing minimize their energy consumption. But, it can occur during the permutation routing that some stations develop faults and stop working. The existence of these faulty nodes can significantly affect the packets delivery rate. If a faulty node, participating in a permutation routing operations, drops packets, all these packets will be lost. Hence, the goal of a fault tolerant permutation routing is to provide certain packet delivery guarantee in spite of the presence of faulty stations.
The main contribution of this paper is to present a protocol that provided an adequate level of fault tolerant and minimized energy during the permutation routing. Unlike in [2], in this work, in presence of faulty nodes, items can be transmitted to their destinations without loss.