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The photosynthetic pathway composition (C3:C4 mixture) of an ecosystem is an important controller of carbon exchanges and surface energy flux partitioning, and therefore represents a fundamental ecophysiological distinction. To assess photosynthetic mixtures at a tallgrass prairie pasture in Oklahoma, we collected nighttime above-canopy air samples along concentration and isotopic gradients throughout...
I used radio telemetry to determine the effects of substrate size and composition on overnight retreat site selection by western fence lizards ( Sceloporus occidentalis). In watersheds of northern California (USA), these lizards occupy two habitat types differing in substrate characteristics: rocky cobble bars found in the dry, active channels of rivers and grassy upland meadows. Rocky substrates,...
Cues involved in determining the distribution of invertebrate propagules within a stream landscape contribute greatly to our knowledge of the supply and arrangement of new recruits and thus an improved understanding of factors that might ultimately affect population parameters. Previous observations indicated that both current velocity and rock size were important determinants of the egg mass distribution...
Immunocompetence may be especially important in long-lived species where infectious organisms may have detrimental effects upon future reproductive value of hosts. The resource demand for immunocompetence may reduce resource availability for reproduction and a trade-off between these traits has therefore been proposed. Capital breeders, such as the common eider (Somateria mollissima), rely upon accumulated...
Evidence is accumulating that herbivorous arthropods do not simply select host plants based on their quality, but also on the predation risk associated with different host plants. It has been suggested that herbivores exclude plant species with high predation risk from their host range. This assumes a constant, predictable predation risk as well as a rather static behaviour on the part of the herbivore;...
The mating system of the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica) involves a high level of sperm competition, and consequently a high frequency of extra-pair paternity (EPP). There is considerable variation in the frequency of EPP. Over the course of ten study years in a population in Norway, the frequency has fluctuated between 7% and 33% of young, and 8% and 76% of broods. In this paper, we address the...
When offered a choice between brown seaweeds (Phaeophyta) from shallow inshore populations versus deeper offshore populations along the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States of America, the herbivorous amphipod Ampithoe longimana consistently preferred plants from the inshore populations. This was the case for three species (Dictyota menstrualis, Spatoglossum schroederi, and Sargassum filipendula)...
Plants forage for nutrients by increasing their root length density (RLD) in nutrient-rich soil microsites through root morphological changes resulting in increased root biomass density (RBD), specific root length (SRL), or branching frequency (BF). It is commonly accepted that fast-growing species will forage more than slow-growing species. However, foraging responses may be due solely to differences...
Animals that maintain near homeostatic elemental ratios may get rid of excess ingested elements from their food in different ways. C regulation was studied in juveniles of Daphnia magna feeding on two Selenastrum capricornutum cultures contrasting in P content (400 and 80 C:P atomic ratios). Both cultures were labelled with 14C in order to measure Daphnia ingestion and assimilation rates. No significant...
What is the relative contribution of genetic and various environmental factors to variation in the ability to mount an immune response? We measured antibody responsiveness to diphtheria-tetanus vaccine during the winter in free-ranging blue tits with a known nestling history to investigate (1) if nutritional status during the nestling stage has persistent effects on an individuals immune defence and...
Quantifying plant drought resistance is important for understanding plant species association to microhabitats with different soil moisture availability and their distribution along rainfall gradients, as well as for understanding the role of underlying morphological and physiological mechanisms. The effect of dry season drought on survival and leaf-area change of first year seedlings of 28 species...
The mechanisms and circumstances that affect a plants ability to tolerate herbivory are subjects of ongoing interest and investigation. Phenological differences, and the timing of flowering with respect to pollinators and pre-dispersal seed predators, may provide one mechanism underlying variable responses of plants to herbivore damage. The subalpine wildflower, Ipomopsis aggregata, grows across a...
Anaphes nitens is a solitary parasitoid of the egg capsules of the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus. Some traits of its natural history suggest that Local Mate Competition (LMC) could account for sex ratio adjustment in this species. We tested whether males emerged early, a prerequisite for fully local mating, and investigated the occurrence and effect of superparasitism on adult size...
Pregnancy is associated with reduced locomotor performance in many types of animals, but we do not know to what degree this correlation is caused by simple physical burdening, versus physiological changes associated with pregnancy, or to confounding variables (such as season or female body size) that simultaneously influence both reproductive investment and locomotor speeds. To identify causal effects...
We experimentally examined the effects on other herbivorous insects of leaf shelters constructed by lepidopteran larvae on a willow, Salix miyabeana. Several insect species occupied the vacant leaf shelters. Our experiment using artificial leaf shelters showed that the number of aphids increased with the number of artificial leaf shelters on a shoot, as did the numbers of three ant species (Camponotus...
When capturing and marking of individuals is possible, the application of newly developed capture-recapture models can remove several sources of bias in the estimation of population parameters such as local abundance and sex ratio. For example, observation of distorted sex ratios in counts or captures can reflect either different abundances of the sexes or different sex-specific capture probabilities,...
The distribution and abundance of herbivores on plants growing under different environmental conditions may depend upon preference and/or performance. Soil nutrients and water availability are key determinants of herbivore distribution, as both influence plant growth and tissue quality. However, the effects of water on plant quality may depend upon the availability of nutrients and vice versa. Surprisingly...
Bird communities reach their highest taxonomic and trophic diversity in tropical rain forest, but the use of different foraging strategies to meet food requirements in such competitive environments is poorly understood. Conventional dietary analyses are poorly suited to investigate dietary patterns in complex systems. We used stable carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotope analysis of whole...
Nitrogen (N) limitation of primary production is common in temperate salt marshes, even though conservative N recycling can fulfill a large proportion of plant N demand. In nutrient poor young marshes, N limitation may be more severe and new N sources, such as N fixation, more important for plant growth. We measured N fixation and the response of salt marsh primary producers (Spartina alterniflora...
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