Karol Wojtyla (1920-2005) as pope John Paul II is one of the most influential thinkers in contemporary world. His social and philosophical concerns many divers issues. This article is dedicated to his conception of religion being social phenomena. Religion is not only relation between man and supernatural power, e.g. God. It is also power of social life, ordering relations inside society. It has potential to crate patterns of culture and even civilizations. Wojtyla speaks on religion as representative of Catholic hierarchy as well as Christian philosopher and theologian inspiring of Vaticanum Secundum. He tries his voice to be universal message. In spite of theological divagations on God, His nature and Church as a Corpus Christi, pope John Paul II considers human and social aspects of religion, its influence on social life and relationships between various religions. He notices that two opposing attitudes are characteristic for contemporary world and man. One is atheism, process of secularization and religious indifferentism. Its cause is in a wrongly understanding progress of science and technology. Some people believe that science and technology proves that God does not exist. The second attitude is an openly for spiritual and transcendental vision of life. It affirms existence of supernatural world. Wojtyla does not limit the religion to Catholic or Christian belief. He thinks that diverse religions give people an answer to the most elementary existential questions. He speaks on common soteriological root of all religions. That’s why he is a supporter of religion cooperation for dissemination of spiritual values and world peace. He promotes a religious freedom as one of the most important liberties and human right. Natural human dignity is its resource. And any form of religious discrimination is not acceptable. Every man and woman has a law to choose a confession, to practice of cult and to bring up children with own confession. Intrarelation in Christian community and Catholic Church is the largest part of John Paul’s social reflection on religion. He is a supporter of Christian unity. It should be base on liturgical, theological and disciplinary diversification. It does not mean homogeny uniformity. Common ground of all Christians should be una fides – the one faith. Speaking on Catholic Church Karol Wojtyla shows its proper function and structure as well as role of laymen. The Church is a depository of divine Truth and moral and ethic principles. It is to act for human being, society and world. He underlines role of laymen in the Church and in fulfillment of its mission, opposing tendency of marginalizing of lays. But he is sure of necessity of hierarchy’s existence intra the Church and different roles of laymen and clergy.