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Verification of the security of software artifacts is a challenging task. An integrated approach that combines verification techniques can increase the confidence in the security of software artifacts. Such an approach has been developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). Two security verification instruments were developed and then piloted...
As attribute based authorisation infrastructures such as XACML gain in popularity, linking together user attributes from multiple attribute authorities (AAs) is becoming a pressing problem. Current models and mechanisms do not support this linking, primarily because the user is known by different names in the different AAs. Furthermore, linking the attributes together poses a potential risk to the...
This paper presents a brief overview about the European R&D project AMIRA (advanced multimodal intelligence for remote assistance) focused on information support for time critical processes in fire service organisations. This paper presents a requirement analysis which has analysed what the actual needs of end-user in those organisations are. Based on that, the need for an information system is...
Today companies are faced with global competition and ever changing customer demands. Thus the success of a company more and more depends on its ability to flexibly and quickly react to changes. In this paper we present the dynamic engines, which allow for the flexible IT support of business processes in highly dynamic environments like the logistics industry, by extracting process logic and business...
This paper presents work in progress on an adaptive workflow management tool for digital design projects. The chip design follows standardized default processes which are adapted during an ongoing project by changing requirements from both design and application imponderabilities. Our approach focuses on flexible monitoring and authoring support of adaptive workflows in a real-world application
This paper introduces the memetic toolkit for recording meetings held over Internet-based video conferencing technologies, and making these navigable in linear and nonlinear ways. We introduce the tools and technologies that form the toolkit and discuss the semantics of the information they capture
The development of very large ontologies may involve several domain experts, ontology engineers and final users, all with very different objectives. New scenarios like biomedicine, genomics and biology require methodologies that consider new dimensions in the development process, namely: dynamism, distribution and control. Existing works lack some important aspects with respect to these dimensions...
Within service-oriented business environments, the non-routine processing of requests requires a greater degree of social interaction and learning to elicit an effective response. Specific practices arise and evolve through these cooperative interactions, however traditional enterprise systems are often `closed' and do not support the evolution of practices within a network of practitioners. Enterprise...
The reacTable* is a novel multi-user electro-acoustic musical instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. In this paper we focus on the various collaborative aspects of this new instrument as well as on some of the related technical details such as the networking infrastructure. The instrument can be played both in local and remote collaborative scenarios and was designed from the very beginning...
This report is a summary of the first international IEEE workshop on "Tangible Interaction in Collaborative Environments" (TICE) hold during WETICE 2006 at the University of Manchester on June 27th.
Models of human work are well recognized means for representing multiple elements of an organization in a mutually tuned form. However, humans and systems tend to use different forms of representation when expressing their knowledge. Most of the widespread modelling approaches focus on a system designer's or software view rather than on intuitive and comprehensive (re)presentations of mental models...
The massive amount of resources on computational grids raises the question of efficient resource discovery and selection. In this paper we present an agent-based approach to these two phases of a grid scheduling process. The approach is based on client agents which act on behalf of grid users, and search for resources in a network of resource representatives that are registries of resource characteristics...
Facilitating the organization and work of virtual organizations is amongst the premiere advantages of grid computing. MiG is a new middleware with a fundamental change in the basic design compared to traditional middleware. The design makes it simple to obtain and implement all of the classic grid features and furthermore it introduces completely new possibilities to facilitate virtual organizations...
The aim of this paper is to present a novel distributed genetic algorithm architecture implemented on grid computing by using the G-Lite middleware developed in the EGEE project. Genetic algorithms are known for their capability to solve a wide range of optimization problems and one of the most relevant features of GAs is their structural parallelism that fits well the intrinsically distributed grid...
Data replication is a well established concept in the grid community to increase data availability and fault-tolerance in the grid environment However, there is a lack of software tools for maintaining the consistency among distributed data resources suitable for the heterogeneous nature of the grid. In this paper, we try to address this gap by introducing service for data update propagation among...
Like most telecommunication companies and service providers, France Telecom deals with highly heterogeneous applications, ranging from batch oriented to rich interactive multimedia services. Deploying those applications on an utility/grid infrastructure is a promising way to cut operational costs while improving performance (load limitations, QoS, etc.). However, most grid middleware technologies...
Debugging grid systems is complex, mainly because of the probe effect and non reproducible execution. The probe effect arises when an attempt to monitor a system changes the behavior of that system. Moreover, two executions of a distributed system with identical inputs may behave differently due to non determinism. Execution replay is a technique developed to facilitate the debugging of distributed...
The scalability of a network monitoring system, a vital component of a grid is challenging. We propose a solution based on demand driven monitoring sessions that use passive network monitoring techniques on a domain oriented overlay network. Related aspects of security and group membership maintenance are also considered
Ensuring that a job executes at the desired timeframe in a grid environment is possible only when reservation policies are employed. Such policies often require users to predict job needs in terms of duration and CPU capability. However the efficient use of resources can be jeopardised by the low accuracy of user predictions. This paper proposes: (i) an automatic support for detecting the job characteristics...
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