The Essay 'Home - at the Heights of Locality' institutes a wide aspect concern about issue - localness, the local man, locally comprehended life. However, author wanted to consider on, what local not further to it, what low as subordinated to something global, but as what always exists at the heights of our experiencing and understanding existence. She confirms, that there are some objections about localness issue. Moreover, because of understanding the localness can have dangerous and tight areas. They are connected with ethnic. Anxiety is the basic and so far explaining the human fate, which really is needed the ethnic rule. What is more important, there are many different possibilities and treatments of ethnos and association, where ethnos is connected with localness. Ethnos can be dangerous, because of its claiming the man. Then, he is not corresponding with questions about human being borders, about limits of human being's knowledge or what is for?, what is the truth, for the heart of matter, for fears in the face of the nothingness or for the presence of the God. Ethnos, so far we can called as 'closed communication', dominated by such rules: 'eye by the eye', 'word for the word', 'system for the system'. The author has used the famous work has written by Cioran, to explore this area. As he wrote, the localness is not only smooth, on the contrary - it needs illness to live at the heights of despair, which means 'to be sick'. In illness is possible experience the heights, as depths and the abyss. The localness is a field of the contradiction, but is always descending into deep area. The Cioran's recommendation - to live at the heights of despair- would be also making a vast, life full of effort, without the smooth allure, but simultaneously full of the, absolutely situated lightness. Author's perception is focus on the localness as not to what is closing the world by the skyline and calming through complete naming what is important in look at things, but as just 'high sea'. Localness is truly Nietzsche's sea. It is leading us out of the house, it is ordering us to travel across the world, in width and length distance, there and back, around.