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The problem of determining a set of real-time tasks that can be assigned to the multiprocessors and finding a feasible solution of scheduling these tasks among the multiprocessors is a challenging issue and known to be NP-complete. Many applications today require extensive computing power than traditional uniprocessors can offer. Parallel processing provides a cost-effective solution to this problem...
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a constrained network on the factor of energy. This factor leads the entire outcome of the network. So it is better to prefer a network on the basis of collaboration of energy. In order establish the communication of nodes under the particular selected network, the path should be selected. Shortest path needs to be chained in the network rather than selecting next...
Cloud Computing delivers the service to the users by having reliable internet connection. In the secure cloud, services are stored and shared by multiple users because of less cost and data maintenance. Sharing the data is the vital intention of cloud data centres. On the other hand, storing the sensitive information is the privacy concern of the cloud. Cloud service provider has to protect the stored...
Cloud computing is one of the most pre-dominant in recent trends for computing and storing purposes. It introduces an enhanced approach towards management flexibility and economic distributed applications. The data owners must place their valuable information into the public cloud servers which are not within their trusted domains. Privacy-preserving database in cloud allows a database owner to outsource...
Pattern matching or finding the occurrences of a pattern in a text arises frequently in many applications. The task of splitting the character stream or text into words is called tokenization. Search engines use tokenizers. The first phase of a compiler outputs a stream of tokens of the given high-level language program. The pattern rules are specified as regular expressions. Many tools have been...
Set the date range to filter the displayed results. You can set a starting date, ending date or both. You can enter the dates manually or choose them from the calendar.