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The aim of this paper is to examine the timeless solution of the theological determinism. In the first part, the paper presents the meaning of the main notions – the theological determinism and the timeless solution. In the second part, the paper analyzes the historical background of the timeless solution. In the third part, the paper investigates the contemporary approaches which endorse the timeless...
The goal of this paper is to defend open theism vis-à-vis its main competitors within the family of broadly classical theisms, namely, theological determinism and the various forms of non-open free-will theism, such as Molinism and Ockhamism. After isolating two core theses over which open theists and their opponents differ, I argue for the open theist position on both points. Specifically, I argue...
The author investigates the problem whether it is possible to adopt two tenets at the same time: one saying that God possesses prior knowledge of future contingent events, especially human acts, and another one saying that humans can act freely. These problems are discussed in a historical perspective. He analyses the paradigmatic conception of Saint Augustine presented in the 'De libero arbitrio'...
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