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The 11th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2010) brings together researchers, scientists, engineers, industry practitioners, and students to discuss, encourage and exchange new ideas, research results, and experiences on all aspects of computer and information science. SNPD 2010 aims to facilitate cross-fertilizations...
The following topics are dealt with: software experiences; requirements engineering; objects and communication; hardware and software; autonomous and autonomic systems; system verification; and distributed system.
The following topics are dealt with: transient fault modeling and analysis; transient faults' hardening techniques; SEU effects in FPGA; soft errors; single-event effects; self-calibrating design; online testing for secure and asynchronous chips; self-checking strategies; process variations; leakage detection; power supply noise detection; integrated circuit testing; SoC testing; fault tolerance;...
The following topics are dealt with: communication systems; electronic devices; control systems and applications; computer networks; signal processing; educational systems; image processing; artificial intelligence; electrical machines; fault detection and diagnosis; circuits and devices; mobile communications; power systems.
The following topics are dealt with: multiservice cable television networks; medical and ecological applications; solid state devices; electrovacuum and microvacuum SHF devices; microwave communication, broadcasting and satellite navigation systems; antennas and antenna elements; industrial and transport applications; very high power microwave electronics and effects; and microwave measurements.
The conference will address the results of both fundamental research and industrial application for thermal, mechanical and multiphysics solutions of (micro)-electronics and microsystems, focusing on advanced simulation and experiments.
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