The reaction mechanism of nitrile hydratase (NHase) was investigated using time‐resolved crystallography of the mutant NHase, in which βArg56, strictly conserved and hydrogen bonded to the two post‐translationally oxidized cysteine ligands, was replaced by lysine, and pivalonitrile was the substrate. The crystal structures of the reaction intermediates were determined at high resolution (1.2–1.3 Å). In combination with FTIR analyses of NHase following hydration in H218O, we propose that the metal‐coordinated substrate is nucleophilically attacked by the O(SO−) atom of αCys114‐SO−, followed by nucleophilic attack of the S(SO−) atom by a βArg56‐activated water molecule to release the product amide and regenerate αCys114‐SO−.