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The reconstruction of paleo‐elevation serves a dual purpose to enhance our comprehension of geodynamic processes affecting terrestrial landforms and to contribute significantly to the interpretation of atmospheric circulation and biodiversity. The oxygen (δ18Ow) and deuterium (δDw) isotopes in atmospheric precipitation are systematically depleted with the increase of altitude, which are typical and...
Mississippi Valley‐type (MVT) Zn‐Pb deposits predominantly form within both orogenic forelands and fold‐and‐thrust belts, yet the mineralization process within the latter tectonic setting remains inadequately understood. This study, through a comprehensive review of MVT deposits across global fold‐and‐thrust belts, introduces a novel model elucidating the mineralization process in the context of tectonic...
Hydrous Cr‐bearing uvarovite garnets are rare in natural occurrences and belong to the ugrandite series and exist in binary solid solutions with grossular and andradite garnets. Here, we report the occurrence of hydrous uvarovite garnet having Cr2O3 upto 19.66 wt% and CaO of 32.12–35.14 wt% in the serpentinized mantle peridotites of Naga Hills Ophiolite (NHO), India. They occur in association with...