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Ultra-thin layers of hydroxylated oxide (passive films) grown on metals and alloys in aqueous environments provide the surface property of self-protection against corrosion. Passivation is a key to our metal-based civilization and to its sustainable development. Passive films in many cases do not exceed a few nanometers in thickness and effectively isolate the metal (or alloy) substrate from the corrosive...
It was only 120 years ago that humans became able to obtain aluminum metal industrially by applying electricity to reduce bauxite ore. Hence, aluminum is much newer than other metals such as copper, iron, and gold, which have been used since pre-historical times. This is surprising since aluminum comprises 7.56 % of all elements near the surface of the earth, and is found in abundant amounts, next...
To meet the extreme demands of modern technology, functionalized materials of enhanced specific properties are required. Moreover, high resolution methods of characterizing new materials are needed in identifying the factors responsible for such materials unique properties. This chapter falls under the general heading Chemistry for Materials Science, and is aimed at discussing new results,...
The stabilization of metallic surfaces against corrosion processes in natural and industrial environment rests on the onset of passivity condition with a subsequent drastic reduction of the corrosion rate of the underlying metallic substrate. In spite of a longstanding controversy it is now universally accepted that a passive metal is usually covered by a thin or thick external layer the whose physicochemical...
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