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The article focuses on various aspects of real estate management. It presents its general definition and entitlements of the land steward. Moreover, it presents the real estate management agreement and the scope of activities of the administrator along with final conclusions. Next, the article discusses long-lasting real estate management in a specific legal form linked to real estate ownership.
The paper offers a case study of the Marianske Lazne administration as an example of the New Public Governance (NPG) approach ed in the Czech Republic. The focus is on the particular pillars representing the features of NPG. Until now, five months after the general election, the particular attention of the Pirate Party on the determinants of NPG objectives could be observed through: making all meetings...
It is argued that the maximization logic, on which classic economic analysis is based disregards the multidimensionality of human desires. Therefore, the arguments for superiority of inverstor ownership, which are based on the maximization logic, are misplaced. Indeed, promising features can be observed among the existing non-investor owned organizations.
The Legal, Economic and Social Dimensions of the Eectiveness of Public ProcurementModern economies of European countries are characterised by a considerable share of public expenditure in their gross domestic product. A large portion of such expenses is effected through a system of public procurement. The current value of that market in Poland is estimated at around PLN 150 billion. What much matters...
Concepts for the Education and Training of Public Administration Personnel as an Aspect of State PoliciesThe premise of this study is that it is in the state’s interest to create acorps of officials that will be able to effectively serve the authorities by accomplishing the political, economic or social ideas conceived of by the state. It has been shown that regardless of the historical period, political-economic...
Public Administration in an Open Innovation Model as Exemplied by the “Social Innovation” ProgrammeIn this article, I present the process of defining, creating and implementing innovation by the public administration sector, its crucial element being opportunities for involving public administration in social change of scale. Open innovation could be one of the tools in this kind of approach. Open...
Public servants are at times portrayed as appeasing political masters while aiming for illegitimate political and personal interests (an example that was featured in the British comedy “Yes, Minister”). This misperception demonstrates the balancing act required by public administrations, especially if they truly seek to serve the public. Adding inter- national law, global governance and modernization...
Poland in Focus. The Evolution and Modernisation of the Social Welfare System in the Institutional PerspectiveIn this article, I discuss the evolution of social welfare in Poland. I focus on the institutional perspective, which shows changes in the institutions in this area. In the first part, I present the development of social welfare in the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939) and then describe changes...
The New Rules of Electronic Communications in Administrative Court ProceedingsThe purpose of this review is to analyse the legal regulations introducing new rules for electronic communications in administrative court proceedings as of 11 February 2017 and to demonstrate the benets but also risks resulting from the process of informatisation. One of the signicant changes refers to the admissibility...
Selected Aspects of the Changes in the Sickness Security of Uniformed Service OfficersIn the event of social risks materialising, the ocers of uniformed services ocers benefit from the protection guaranteed by the provisioning system, which diers significantly from the general insurance scheme. The dierences lie mainly in the methods of financing the benefit, but they also applies to the conditioning...
Efforts to Improve the Performance of the Debtor’s Obligation to Pay Child MaintenanceThe article refers to activities designed to improve child support collection in Poland. The main focus is on the solutions in the 2007 Act on support for persons entitled to alimony. The main part of the article presents the problems related to the activities carried out by municipal authorities of municipalities...
The Right to Public Information in the Practice of Local Government Administration UnitsDespite the passage of several years a er the Act on Access to Public Information came into force, its implementation by the entities obliged to ensureit is in many cases still far from the standards dened by the legislator. Local government administration units are no exception here. ere are two main modes of...
The Limitation of the Right to Public Information in the Rulings of Administrative Courts: Selected IssuesIn modern democracies, the right to public information is the basis of functioning of states and international organisations. In Poland, the right to information, as introduced in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and regulated in the Act on Access to Public Information, provides citizens...
Consolidation of Tax Administration in the Light of the Non-Uniform Model of Governmental Administration in PolandThe text concerns the organisation of tax administration consolidated into governmental administration in Poland. The analysis presented in the contribution leads to the conclusion that the head of the fiscal chamber has become a“superbody” in the field of taxation with extensive prerogatives...
The Impact of Non-Governmental Organisations on the Performance of Public Tasks: Legal AspectsThe activity of NGOs is an expression of the development of civil society, directed at functioning independently from state institutions. The autonomy of this activity should not be treated as competing with the state, but rather as supporting it and complementing its functions. Civil society strives to satisfy...
The article revolves around the topical issues of Administrative-delict law reform in Ukraine. It outlines wide range of theoretical and practical problems of legislative regulation in the field of administrative responsibility. It also gives the author’s view at the structure and content of the draft of the Administrative-Delict Code of Ukraine.
Electronic Sales and Auctions as Elements of the Modern Public-Procurement SystemAn electronic sale is conspicuous by a specific schema of acting fixed by the article 74–article 81 of the Public Contracts Law Act of 29th January 2004 (consolidated text: Dz.U. of 2015, item 2164). In the Public Contracts Law Act, the legislator also concretized – especially in article 91a, article 91b and article 91c...
The Impact of Great Powers on the Structure and Competences of the International Humanitarian Organisation the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)UNRRA – United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, whose achievements are not sufficiently reflected in the historiography of the post-war period, is an interesting object of research for many reasons. In this article,...
Public Administration in the Third Greek Republic in the Context of the Economic Inefficiency of the StateIn his article, the author raises a variety of issues related to the Greek public adminis- tration. The characteristics of the Greek administrative model are presented taking into account the distribution of the national and local government. Later in the article, the author points to the relationship...
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