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The aim of the article is to provide model explanation of the process of plans co-ordination, definition of its objective and conditions. In the article there are pointed out problems which should be explained by means of a general model as well as fragpentary problems for i solution of which there should be worked out appropriate methods of the economic calculus. While poiting at the essential problems...
The article contains an analysis of the selected items of economic literature in the field of economic calculus in the process of co-ordination of socio-economic development plans of the CMEA member states. The selected works deal with the problems of effectiveness of International trade and co-operation not from the point of view of a single country, but a grouping of countries. With a view to a...
The article presente a general model of co-ordination of socio-economic development plans of the CMEA member countries - the first attempt at synthesis of co-ordination of plans. It includes the function of criterion and a set of fundamental conditions of the model of multilateral co-ordination at the central level.
This work constitutes an initial part of reaearches aimed at determination of possibilities in field of consolidation of co-operation between Poland, Czechoslovakia, the GDR and Hungary encompassing production of textile and clothing articles and trade in them. The main objective of this part of researches is to determine the present state in textile-clothing industries of the countries under survey...
In the national economy of the GDR there have been made attempts for a number of years at passing from unilateral and isolated planning of investments to comprehensive planning of the reproduction process of fixed assets. The paper deals with analysis of this already practically tested method of coaprehensive planning of the reproduction process of fixed assets. The method is based on application...
The tasks facing housing construction in Poland till 1990 and problems involved with them provide a starting point for analysis of the industrialization problem of housing construction. The author has made an attempt at definition of the industrialization concept with reference to housing construction suggesting a possibility of understanding this industrialization in a narrow and wider sense of the...
Utilization of research findings constitutes the weakest link in the scientific-technical cycle as well as the main cause of their insufficient economic effectiveness. The present system of big industrial amalgamations, grouping besides production plants also their own research centros, does not provide - despite assumptions - sufficients, stimuli for full utilization of research findings furnished...
The article discusses some problems connected with leisure time of weavers employed in mechanical weaving mills of a selected company. Researches were based on the questionnaire survey. Answers provided by respondents to questions about length of slee-periods Bhow that it depends on the shift-work system, working hours and other factors euch as age, marital status etc. The time allotted to sleeping...
In a cotton company there was carried out an investment project consisting in launching the production of knitted goods. Economical and technical assumptions provided for supply of 550 000 mts of knitted goods to the market still in 1975, with the quantity reaching 2 550 000 mts annually as from 1976. Full production capacity was to be achieved at the end of 1975. When launching production it appeared...
Utilization of results of scientific researches constitutes at present a main source of improvement in labour productivity. Thus linking of research activities with production process is an important factor of the reproduction process intensification. That also poses definite tasks for the process of planning and management. The aim of this paper is presentation of the problem against the background...
The article contains a presentation of the method of optimal estimation of the metallic charge in a foundry applying the computer technique. It starts with a short description of the technological process in a foundry, which provides an insight into the important problem being a subject of this study. The author points at two methods of the metallic charge estimation: - method of linear programming,...
The industrial company, like any other relatively isolated structure, implements its objectives operating in a definite environment. In this situation a desire to achieve objectives formulated in categories or the product quality will primarily boil down to improvement of methodological rationality of decisions being made by all subjects of this system. Improvement of effectiveness of the company...
Questionnaire surveys conducted in the mechanical weaving mill of the Obrońców Pokoju Cotton Mills in 1975 provided among others information about the material situation of women—weavers employed there and their families. Comparing them with average incomes of working families on the national scale it should be pointed out that their situation is less favourable. That primarily concerns those families...
Process of specialization of the industrial company consists in reduction of production lines of the company and introduction of its more homogenous character. Both in practice and theory there are missing methods of assessment of the specialization level based on analysis of the production homogenity degree. In this article the author has made an attempt at elaboration of such method. The starting...
The article discusses the importance of investment outlays and their implementation in concentrated form in the socio-economic development of the country. There are also presented the author’s own propositions as regards the definition of the investment concentration. Next there are discussed measures suggested by selected, economists which should be applied in researches on the phenomenon of the...
The present situation in the GDR in the field of withdrawal of fixed assets from exploitation is characterized with a small degrее of withdrawal of capital goods and considerable break-up of such operations into numerous small-range operations. Simultaneously it should be remembered that the process of fixed assets withdrawal constitutes one fif the stages of fixed assets reproduction. In order to...
Artykuł niniejszy jest pierwszą publikacją z planowanej serii opracowań poświęconych specyficznym problemom realizacji i eksploatacji zespołów śródmiejskiej zabudowy mieszkaniowej. Ukazano w nim, na tle podstawowych problemów teoretycznych struktury funkcjonalno- -przestrzennej dzielnic śródmiejskich oraz roli jaką w jej ramach mają do spełnienia wysokie budynki mieszkalne, kilka zasadniczych problemów...
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