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In the Russian social thinking, the notion „dissident movement” has appeared twice. For the first time, as a historical and theoretical term in the essay The Dissident (1866) by Nikolay Sokolov, and then, a century later in the autobiographical The Confession of a Dissident (1990) by Alexander Zinoviev. Zinoviev considered „the dissident movement” to be social practices, which allow for social generalization...
This article is an attempt to compare two contestation models, that occurred in the activities of new social movements formed in the 80s of the twentieth century in Czechoslovakia and Poland (Czech Children and Orange Alternative). Both movements are the examples of the changes taking place in the process to form of political and social opposition to the communist regime. The article describes the...
The aim of this article is to examine the political ideas of Milovan Djilas (1911–1995) developed in his dissident period (1954–1989). Once a highly ranked communist and revolutionary of Tito’s antifascist partisan army in the Second World War Yugoslavia, Milovan Djilas (1911–1995) became widely known as one of the most important dissident figures in Eastern Europe. A noted reformist since Tito-Stalin...
The main thesis of the paper implies the historically changeable characteristics of symbolical resistance in the texts of „jeans prose” (Flaker). Using jeans as a symbol of global popular culture, freedom, casualness, the American lifestyle, resistance to forms, rules, and high culture etc., jeans prose had its specific life in Yugoslav socialism which dynamically changed during the last three decades...
In the article, the literary texts of the Croatian authoress are considered, since they present a critical comportment that is to remain in opposition to the crisis of the contemporary culture. The article makes an attempt to describe a specificity of the writer’s literary contestations, derived from a stance of the avant-garde and modern rebellion, adopted among others by Miroslav Krleža, and from...
The problem of transfer from the official to the unofficial culture is one of the most significant phenomena in the post-war Czech literature history. Resistance against the limitations on creative autonomy set by the government led to the emergence of particular contestation attitudes and to the creation of counterculture, understood as a dissident and exile culture, as well as the underground. In...
Some European nations and countries stayed in the area of totalitarianism for a long time. This fact and various ways of transforming and self-identity in a totalitarian society require careful studying in a broad scientific spectrum. Studying of the dissident movement is one of the important aspects of this multifaceted research topic. Resistance movement against totalitarianism in the second half...
In the article a certain prominent Croatian emigrant, but very little known in Croatia, is taken into consideration. Bogdan Radica (1904–1993) was a political dissident in two different circumstances. Between 1941–1945, as an attaché of the Yugoslav Embassy in Washington, he was opposing both the Ustasha’a Croatian state and Yugoslav policy under Serbian control, which he defined as a hegemonic and...
This article entitled unassumingly aims at reminding – just in a cursory way, but with a substantial degree of certainty, too, in their literary and historical justification – of a specific list of names of Bulgarian poets, whose „discontent” and/or „disappointment” with the totalitarian regime in Bulgaria create the history of the dissent, which found its expression in the alternative lyrical thinking...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the M. Kundera and V. Havel polemics over the fate and fortunes of the Czech ethnical identity, Czechoslovakian nationhood and ways of Czechoslovakian society development after the August, 1968. This polemic, together with the Prague Spring reflection, caused broad resonance, and some of its statements are still timely. The acceptability of the paradox of...
The paper concerns Russian contemporary politically engaged literature and takes into consideration the writings of an acclaimed Russian prose-writer, radical anti-Kremlin opposition activist – Zakhar Prilepin. A political turn in Russian contemporary literature is a way of raising an objection to the political authorities, who bring an incessant pressure on the society to reproduce the official public...
The paper discusses the position of Croatian playwright Radovan Ivšić in Croatian theatre historiography, before and after the independence of Croatia in the nineties. The research results point to three major phases in Ivšić’s reception in Croatian theatre historiography – the rejection, acceptance and canonization.
The main intention of the presented article was to find and indicate thoughts connected to the dissident tradition of Czech 20th century history. The generational experience regarding the „drunken festival” of Prague Spring and brutal intervention of „fraternal help” have influenced a non-official side of Czech modern culture. Literary works, as well as publicist activities in the period 1968–1989...
The aim of this article is to introduce a characteristic of the dissident movement and the anti-totalitarian literature in Bulgaria in the period 1944–1989. In the early‚ 90s a group of very important researchers began to focus on an accurate description of a Bulgarian dissident movement and migration literature. The results of researches in the field of history and literary studies do not give a...
Although his early feature length works – Živa istina and Timon – created quite a stir and could be called provocative at its time (the first half of 1970s), as much as they can be considered stylistically interesting with its focus on the documentary style, Tomislav Radić can hardly be called a typical dissident, regardless of the suggestion that the politics caused the hiatus in his filmmaking (found...
The article Matoš and Croatian Postmodernism shows that it was Boro Pavlović (1921–2001), the anticipator and „the father” of Croatian postmodernism, the author of fifty collections of poems and numerous media creations of Walter Benjaminʼs provenance in the 50ʼs (exhibition of poems We in 1942, collection News in 1954, the project-exhibition Encyclopedia poetica in 1957/1958, and computer poem MOrpheus...
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