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This paper describes the experience of working with a homogeneous group of students, ages 18–25 years old, who studied Croatian as a first or a second foreign Slavic language. A few, isolated examples showcase analysis of errors recorded or documented in tests, dictations, and essays as well as oral and written communication with Polish students of Croatian language. The errors are mistakes that reflect...
The considerations in this paper focus upon the Russian idea of which consequence and extension is mythology of the Soviet times. We refer to the myths of tsarist Russia and to a specific relation to the authorities in Russia. The main theme of this paper concerns mythology of the Soviet times, especially one of its elements namely, the myth of power. The attention has been shifted to the history...
This article is a critical analysis of the discourse of power represented in the postmodern narrative. In this perspective, the Czech writer’s book creates a special study of the ‘genealogy of power’ (in relation to the concept of Michel Foucault). It arises from the combination (by using of the social-fiction literary convention) that regards the story of two symbolic forms of violence, supporting...
The article discusses the specific of sanctity of Parascheva of Tirnovo in the Russian Orthodox Church, an anchoress the most venerated by the Eastern Church. The pattern of holiness formed in the late nineteenth century is far richer and deeper than in other Slavic Orthodox churches. It is based on the Trinitarian, Christological, Marian themes, as well as on the strict hesychastic asceticism proper...
The Croatian film Occupation in 26 pictures (1978), directed by Lordan Zafranović is considered as one of the most controversial vision of the Second World War in Yugoslav cinema. The director uses the ornamental style, modeled on Italian cinema, to portray the change of power in Dubrovnik in 1941 – at the beginning of the fascist occupation of the city. He juxtaposes the licentiousness of Italian,...
The article refers to a problem of relationship between authority and genealogy, and to their specific functioning in the Old Serbian literature, that is in other words, in the hagiographical, historiographical, and hymnic texts. In all those works, the combination of the both ideas undoubtedly serves the ideological creation, regarding the image of sovereign together with the exposition of his extra-ordinary...
The article describes different ways of depicting Josip Broz Tito in poems which embody socialistic values. The notion of the Government relies on the idea of the abscence, and the exact abscence requires the image in order to be effective. This is the key role of poetry, which conveyed the constructs of both individual and social illusion.
Pavel Zajíček was a leading personality of Czech rock and literary underground in the 1970s. His imprisonment in 1976 was an important impuls for creation of Charta 77. Communist establishment wanted to get rid of him and therefore (though he was a dissident) he was given his passport and allowed to leave Czechoslovakia for Sweden. In exile he continued in writing and in 1995 he returned to Prague...
In this paper the authoress refers to examples from the period between the 60s and the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century in Croatia which best illustrate not only the playwriting but also the lethalness of the act through mostly political drama typical of the period in question. At the time, the theatre was more often than not „the only space in which people were allowed to think and talk politically”...
In the article E.G. Etkind’s prose is discussed from the point of view of its place and role in the dissident movement in the Soviet Russia. The particular attention is paid of Etkind’s ideological differences with the political regime and of the Jewish theme which was very important to his selfconsciousness. The article shows how Etkind’s position defined the angle of the narrative in his prose,...
The article presents the political and intellectual silhouette of Václav Havel (1936–2011) – the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first one of the Czech Republic. Havel, the next to the Pole Lech Wałęsa, is the world renown symbol of the political turning point of 1989 that ended the world communist system. Before 1989, during the communist age, Havel was a dramatist, essayist and leader of...
I start from the definition of Serbian Yugoslav bourgeois culture as a semi-peripheral and having this in mind, I tend to analyze the essays by Julka Chlapec Đorđević and Jela Spiridonović-Savić, from the perspective of the world systemic theories applied to literature.
The essay follows the changes in the literary works of the Bulgarian dissidents immediately after 1989. It tries to take into account the disillusionment and the distorted perceptions, but also the satisfaction of freedom, which it discusses as subject matters in the poetry of two dissident authors, who were also active politically – Blaga Dimitrova and Edvin Sugarev. The second major line of thought...
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