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The aim of this article is to present the idea of divinity of power on an example of the medieval service, dedicated to the Serbian despotess Angelina Branković. The image of a ruler and a concept of power presented in the text are based on the perception of Angelina as a participant and a heiress of the sacred tradition of Branković dynasty. The service has played an important role in the creation...
The aim of this research was to characterize changes in the perception of a function of theatre director at the begging of the 20th century. The Czech theatrical culture taking the pattern of great European theatre reformers of that time, created a genuine theatrical theory of directing. Its first representative and implementer was Karel Hugo Hilar. His work was based on an assumption that a director...
Text is an analysis of symbolic strategies, serving creation of Josip Broz Tito’s authority as the leader of the socialist Yugoslavia; it also reveals their cultural and political motivations. Author indicates three dominant factors in the process of cult creation, which are characteristic for the cult of personality in totalitarian systems; as such they also remain a specific continuation of traditions...
In this paper, I am dealing with the political theater and performance. Both performances question the borders between artistic and non-artistic fields, and work with concept of documentary drama. Frljić’s play is realized within the post-drama paradigm, for which the idea of politics of theatrical form is important since it deals with the signifiers. Using the post-drama paradigm, Frljić in his play...
This article is devoted to the one of the best known female rulers of medieval Serbia – princess Milica, wife of the prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, who had lost his live during the famous Battle of Kosovo Field in 1389. After the death of her husband, Milica founded the Ljubostinja monastery and became the nun Jevgenija. She was a close friend to the famous Serbian poet Jefimija, who accompanied princess...
National holidays play an important role in the formation of common memories of the past, as they are the very sign that marks historical events and figures that must be known to all citizens, thereby establishing the symbolic unity of all the members of the nation. The holidays of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes emphasized the national unity of the ‘three tribes’, and St. Vitus’ Day was...
The folk culture from the turn of the 20th century was founded on the mythical paradigm. Its specific feature was an opposition between the self and the other. It had ambivalent influence on those people and places which, due to actual or perceptual reasons, were placed on the margin of the mainstream of life. This includes, among others, the elders. On the one hand, they were treated by the community...
Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), is a critical intellectual and scholar of the age of Slovenian Enlightenment, who introduced causal interpretation of history into Slovenian historiography and started its scientifical philosophy by his historical work Versuch einer Geschichte von Krain und den übrigen Ländern der südlichen Slaven Österreichs (1778, 1791). He was an open-minded man, at first deist...
The re-establishment of the autocephality of the Serbian Church in 1557 instigated a considerable degree of activity in the field of cultural restoration. The see of the Patriarchate was revived in its former location – in the monastery Peć. Restoration of the structures of the church organization was accompanied by reparation of the old (abandoned or neglected) churches and monasteries, as well as...
After a brief account of Derrida’s notion of singularity as an irreducible, quasi-material layer of (literary) texts, this article attempts to delineate its effects on theoretical or scientific mastery over literature. Invention and law are examined as necessary but mutually cancelling origins of aesthetic and scientific institutions, and the final chapter – following Derrida’s Ulysse gramophone –...
Sanctity is the very essence of political power, which needs its own rituals, myths, and symbols. This sacred nimbus confirms the authority of the ruler, making it unusual, mysterious and – as a result – untouchable. Religion is also the main source of the legitimacy of power, changing rulers into the sons of gods or at least kings „by the grace of God”. The twentieth century brought a new phenomenon:...
The symbolic beginning of the Bulgarian National Rebirth dates back to 1762 when Paisii Hilendarski wrote History of the Slavobulgarian, which was the first historgraphic work in the Bulgarian literature. Among others, the work has been widely discussed from a linguistic point of view. This time, however, the author does not concentrate on its symbolic dimension in the process of development of the...
The article concerns philosophical concepts created by the Czech prose writer Ladislav Klíma. This author is nowadays counted among the most interesting Czech philosophers of the 20th century. His concepts inspired creators such as Hrabal or the Czech surrealists. The article’s author presents an outline of more important Klíma’s philosophical concepts, which allow to combine the theme of man’s deification...
Charity and almsgiving, as the religious and social act of philanthropy and concern for the salvation of the soul, were one of the obligatory and permanent duties of rulers in the Middle Ages. Serbian medieval rulers were known for their numerous charitable donations to the poor, sick, old, widows, pilgrims, needy, as well as builders of churches, monasteries, hospitals. Many of these charitable deeds...
In the paper the author tries to map out critically the situation within gender studies and their academic production in the region: the uncomfortable dealing with „Yugoslavia”, the overall situation of humanities and social sciences, the political, social and cultural backlash of women’s position/rights and visibility in the whole post-socialist world, the consequences of the war, the Western feminists’,...
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