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In Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak brings scientific and political discourses into dialogue with magical ones. In an emblematic episode, two soldiers from opposing sides each wear a protective amulet containing the „miraculous” text of the 90th Psalm. One dies; one survivesWhile this discrepancy is easily traced to scientific and socioeconomic causes, the episode isdesigned to foreground the...
Expansion of capitalism to former communist countries was presented, especially by many intellectuals, as a scientific endeavor based on rational choice theory, management techniques and precisely measured market forces. For many practitioners of ‘transformation’ the neo-liberal project became also similar to proselytizing religion that has to be spread among infidels, i.e. communism-ridden...
This article analyses a construction of figure of žrec in the introductory canto of historical epic Ljutovid written by Croatian romantic writer Ivan Dežman. Žrec is a religious-magical figure which comprises functions of priest, prophet and magician. By applying reviewed readings of Austin’s speech acts theory, the article focuses on the performative dimension of žrec’s prophetic utterances,...
The essay shows the main conceptions upon a biological power of a word: the macchiavellian theory/ theory of a lie, the mating mind theory, that means a theory of handicaps, and the social selection theory of S. Dunbar. The author proposes a thesis that a speech takes its power from the biological determinants of the origin of a language, and proves it by fusing various contemporary...
This article discusses the notion of magic in the poetics of Marina Tsvetaeva (1892–1941) against the backdrop of romanticism and Russian modernism. Magic is related to the poet’s explorations of folklore, and also to Romantic, symbolist and futurist invocations of it. Concepts of magic are central to Tsvetaeva’s poetics; she considers conjuration to be a property of language ...
This article concerns Bronisław Malinowski’s ethnographical theory of magical word. His theory was a revolutionary one for two reasons (1) he claimed that magical word is not an instrument of understanding of „primitive mentality” (2) he argued that analysis of magical word demanded abandoning of textual bias which entailed our seeing linguistic genres as semantically autonomous texts...
In the article, from different linguistic and literary theoretical perspectives, parodic function of anaphora is analyzed on samples of Croatian contemporary poetry. The aim is to present how a poem, especially one that is not from the contemporary lyric collection, is not a realization of „mythic time”, but in its rhythms and structures, where repetition is condition sine qua non of lyricism, it...
The present paper analyses Ivo Vojnović’s drama Maškarate ispod kuplja by intending to emphasize the importance of carnival masks considered as instruments of liberation of individuals from social conformism. The protagonists of Vojnović’s Maškarate show their non-conformist faces and experience freedom only incarnival season. The carnival is described as the allegory of ...
According to aesthetic theories of Russian symbolist A. Belyj every real art is in its deepest essence a symbolic one, it represents an organic connection of two orders – phenomena of the inner world and the living consciousness. The connection is thus the union of the inner and outer world. Its sense can be unveiled in metaphysics and mystic, the indexes of the way to a complex re-structuring ...
This paper analyses Macedonian – Albanian intermarriages in Macedonia in the last fifteen years i.e. their frequency, routes and patterns set in correlation with the social and traditional relationship that existed and still exists in both „sending” and „receiving” communities. The foundation of such „new” constructions as Macedonian – Albanian intermarriages, deconstruct some of the already...
This paper presents the lexical and linguistic characteristics of absolution of sins in the Croatian Church Slavonic Klimantović’s Miscellany I, in which the patterns of release and absolution from sin are powerful oral mechanism adjusted to population of that time. In the analysis, the author used her own transliteration of the miscellany. Considered are the sacraments of...
This article reveals theoretic aspects on literary translation through the analyses of the translation of the novel Farewell to the autumn by Polish writer Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. It concerns the competences and skills a translator of literature should have. Among other topics which have been analyzed, there is the creativeness, knowledge of cultural differences, writing skills in...
The power of women’s words in K.J. Erben’s balladsdiscusses the author’s literary texts (the collections Písně and Kytice), in which the woman is presented as a permanent character who is in the focus of significant conflict situations and moral problems. Women’s words have a broad spectrum of expression: from the intimate address to oneself, through the prayer, the blessing,...
The names play a main role in understanding of Miljenko Jergović’s literary works and it is argued through analysis of collection of stories called Inšallah Madona, inšallah. The names have their history, they describe and determine actors, and function as axioms with initial stabile meaning. By decoding of related code, new complex components of semantic field of the name as symbol are revealed...
This research paper offers a comparison of the concepts of language as action presented by J. Derrida and L.Wittgenstein, including the concept of „performative” by J.L. Austin. The conclusion is that they maintain a non-representational character of language. Relationship between sign and referent is arbitrary and signs can not have a direct reference to independent objects; rather they produce...
In the story The Castle of Death(1912) Jakub Deml presents an esoteric text, which allows initiation, that is to say the revival and improvement of human spirit, because it points the way to the absolute hidden behind the words. The highest form of initiation is transcendence, which consists in the unity of life and death. To achieve this, the candidate of initiation must die in this world. Deml...
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