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The aim of the article is to describe the extraordinarily animated and extensive relationships between Polish and Czech literature in the second half of the 19th century. Literary correspondence is extremely clearly revealed with regard to the Czech writer Karolina Světla and her reception in Poland and the Polish writer ElizaOrzeszkowa together with her reception in Czech. The article attempts to...
The aim of the intersemiotic and conceptual prose of Damir Miloš is to overcome the limitations of language and literary description, especially when presenting reality through the prism of sensual experience, both visual and olfactory. In Miloš’s prose the interconnectedness of art forms, often perceived today as a symptom of a literary crisis or a trend towards intermediality, becomes ...
The aim of this paper is to conduct a comparative analysis of two culture codes, semantic and asemantico-asyntactic, as tools for ordering reality and discovering the meaning of events. Belinsky and Gogol’s lives and their mutual relations are the subject of our research. The antinomy, and even irreconcilability of codes is observed in concepts of the human and the world. According to...
The article is devoted to an analysis of various representations of the “Artist’s book” genre in modern Russian and world art. These representationsfunction within the framework of the paradigm of art that refers to issues such as inter- and multimedia, the model of a broadly talented artist, the concept of a multi-material work of art and the interactive act of perception. The analysis of the ...
In the text I will focus on Zenitist poetry by Ljubomir Micić and Branko Ve Poljanski. I will construe a new discursive framework, which will make it possible for us to understand their multigenre texts as important items in the national poetry canon. I will contextualize the general characteristics of European avant-garde poetry practices, which were used by Micic and Poljanski in order...
All of the elements present within the contemporaryphenomenon known as ‘circus’ can be found in the symbolic traditions of ancient and archaic cultures, most often manifested as mythical pictures, ritual and magical acts, mythical stories and cult objects. In several previous studies we have tried to find the visual, mythical and symbolic ancient models of some classical circus acts,...
Incantations use the wedding code in order to fulfill the magical function which faces a cure or a protection, demanded by certain people. Thus the wedding code applied to the incantation turns out to be different from the wedding song itself. The phenomena of anti-speech (insults directed to the bride or to the wedding guests) and of inverse reality of the sacred moment in the incantations become ...
I conducted my own ethnographic field research in 1998, 2004 and 2007. Further field research, from 2010 to 2012, under the title ‘Folk Piety and the Transmission of Ethnoheritage in Upper Meñimurje’, was part of Tomo Vinšćak’s academic project Sacral Interpretation of Landscape, organized by the Matapur Association and the Ethnological and Anthropological...
The paper presents a research of Croatian folklore tradition of the central part of the Pelješac peninsula included various aspects of traditional culture: from legends, beliefs and customs to poems, stories, adverbs, etc. A special regard was given to the beliefs in the supernatural forces. The main purpose of the paper is to show that folklore tradition is not a relic of the past, but rather a natural...
The paper focuses on the significant role of wolf in the Croatian folklore that has been confirmed by a series of analyses over the thirty contemporary original field records. The socalled wolf processions were still performed in many places of the country just before the Homeland War in 1991. Often described in a word vukavarski, the processions were always initiated by an act of killing the wolf...
This paper offers an analysis of (prevalently feminine) curses which come to being within the text of the epic songs. This specific form of cursing is particularly pointed in the curses by mother’s milk. Both in tradition and in the epics, these curses are equal to taboo, which means that nobody dares disobey them: such is the deep belief in their efficiency. Because there is no discrimination in...
The theme of this paper is the magic power of the obscene words and jokes in traditional Serbian culture, on the example of women’s only festival revena in Banat. This ritual represents one day holiday that was celebrated in the beginning of spring, before the Eastern Fast. During revena women gathered for a celebration during which their behavior was completely different than usual, transgressing...
The article’s main subject refers to some magical aspects of the literary communication which might be observed in the selected examples of Polish fairy tale, composed in the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth one. The crucial issue of the article concerns a certain relationship between the magic words’ and the silence’s forms and the folk world...
Mythological characters of the cultural space in the folklore of the Russian North and Norway (typological aspects)is a comparative analysis of spirits of house that exist in the cultures of both countries. For comparison, we examined different names, habitat, status and functions of spirits at home. For the first time inthe scientific revolution a lot of original folk material is introduced...
Curses are spoken formulas that express a desire to happen something bad in the future to someone or something, with the assurance that it will capture. This conviction or belief is based on faith in the magical power of the word. In the folk life curses are being made when the most important values in the community are injured. Therefore, curses are discussed in relation to the values that are maintained...
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