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The paper deals with the notion of a probability space as a mathematical object, and also as a mathematical model of a real nonmathematical situation. A construction of probability spaces with the tools of mathematical analysis and geometry is proposed. Geometrical and physical interpretations of the discrete probability space are offered as well.
This paper proposes a way to adapt theories of countable probabilistic spaces in order to use them to educate mathematical students trained to be teachers. It presents many examples of how to develop students’ mathematical activities using stochastic games called Penney games. Introducing chance games delivers the opportunity of creating and examining probabilistic spaces. The fairness of games is...
This article presents the author’s reflections, comments and problems that arise in relation to the issue of defining the subject matter knowledge a teacher should have in the context of Even’s theoretical framework. They incline to start working on a considerable modification of this conception in order to explore its adaptability in other contexts. This paper also includes initial results of this...
This paper deals with some studies of understanding the absolute value of real numbers. This article is divided into two parts. The first one contains the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the solutions of the mathematical problems with the absolute value which were solved by the secondary school pupils. The second part of the article contains the didactic proposition of teaching the concept...
This article presents the results of the study of teaching descriptive statistics in Poland nowadays. After a short review of the history of teaching this branch of school mathematics in the second part of the 20th century, I made an attempt at diagnosing the stage of teacher’s preparation for teaching descriptive statistics. The diagnosis was based on the analysis of: - the survey conducted among...
The article constitutes a written version of the Author’s presentation during the special session of the Senate Science Committee held in December 2003. The session was devoted to teacher training. It contains important general ideas concerning teacher training, criticism of the current system and regulations as well as proposals for improving the situation.
The project presents an outline of a general concept of teacher training and self-improvement in the postgraduate courses. The general proposals are illustrated with an example of postgraduate Studies in Mathematics.
This article presents the author’s research results concerning the teaching of introductory notions and theorems of mathematical analysis. The research was carried out among the first-year students of mathematics. The main objects of the research were: – the observation of the degree of assimilation of the basic notions and theorems by the students; – the investigation of the students’ progress in...
In the article the errors in the solutions of geometry problems made by the candidates for the first year of the mathematical studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow during the entrance examinations in 2003 and 2004 are analysed. Every geometry problem is provided with the examples of its solutions, and the detailed conclusions are drawn from the analysis. In the final part of the article...
The paper contains some theorems (with proofs) from numbers divisibility theory, and suggestions how to use them in the process of teacher training, which provide good opportunities for developing students’ creative attitude in the process of discovering new facts in elementary mathematics.
This article contains a collection of didactic ideas concerning teaching the elementary arithmetic. Although they are firmly based on abstract mathematics, they can be realized at different levels of teaching school mathematics. The source of these didactic propositions is the fact that using the set of natural numbers and suitable relations it is possible to construct the models of structures which...
In this paper author underlines the necessity of continuing education of young academic teachers in the domain of methods of students’ activity during their studies.
The article contains a didactic project of classes with mathematics students – future teachers. On the example of problems related to Langley’s angles, the author presents differences between two styles of teaching mathematics. One style is based on existing mathematical knowledge, and the second requires active participation of the students in creating this knowledge during the problem solving process.
This article attempts to single out actions performed by a person while solving a mathematical task that lead to the acquisition of desired habits towards solving such tasks. The examples of tasks, which are presented here with their solutions, stress the importance of reflection that follows a completed process of solving a task.
This article is concerned with some topics of the transformationsof the graphs of functions. It is designated to serve as a text for thestudents of mathematics (prospective teachers) and the teachers of ma-thematics.In this paper we give the answer to the following problem. Given the graph of the function f:R Df
The lattice sum S_2 for the square array conditionally converges. Having used physical arguments, Rayleigh chose an order of summation in such a way that S_2 = π. The Eisenstein summation method applied to S2 yields the same result. This paper is devoted to a rigorous proof of S_2 = π for the Eisenstein summation method. The study can be used in class for students as an interesting example which illustrates...
The paper presents results of research carried out on the two following levels of mathematics education: the high school level and the level of pre-service Mathematics teachers training. The subject of the research was understanding the relations between mathematical theorem and its proof by the study participants.
The subject of this work, teacher’s practice forming mathematical activity and creativity of the gifted pupils, is submerged in the issue of one of the contemporary trends in researching the methodology of teaching maths, which is called: creativity in teaching mathematics – theory, diagnosis and methodology, prospects. In this work I refer to certain synthesis of the knowledge to that point, see...
In the article I submit a fragment of my research carried out in 2004-2007, which was connected with the role of mathematical computer programs in the independent extracurricular work of the pupil. These examinations were conducted in a group of 119 pupils from the second grade of secondary schools. The article concerns the specific form of homework in mathematics – a long-term homework. The purpose...
In this paper we present the results of our research carried out among the students of the first, second and third years of mathematical studies in the years 2003-2006. The research was focused on the difficulties these students faced in understanding the fundamental notions of the mathematical analysis such as: a limit, continuity, differentiability and integrability. These special problems, described...
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