The author presents an unknown in Poland pastoral institution - so called Radio „Godzina Różańcowa” (Rosary Hour), whose centre is in Buffalo, N.Y. It has been conducted by Polish Franciscan Fathers Conventual (OFMConv) for the Polonia in the USA and Canada. Its establishment and quick development was a response to the religious needs of the Polish population in those countries, especially that living far from the Polonia religious centres. Every week the programme is broadcast by about 60 local radio stations in the USA and Canada and it is listened to by an estimated 5 million people, which is proof of its wide reach and important religious and social role. In the course of over 50 years’ existence the „Godzina Różańcowa” has always aimed at helping the listeners to keep the Polish religious culture, i.e. the native language, songs, customs and traditions and in this way to maintain and intensify their religious life. Its programmes have joined the call to integrate with the American and Canadian societies with the appeals to maintain the culture of the native country. John Paul II has defined the „Godzina Różańcowa” as „the gratest Polish language pulpit in the world”. It was established and conducted by Father Justyn Figas, whose successor for many years has been Father Kornelian Dende.