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The studied sandstones from the Giełczew Elevation and the Chełm Hills become an important unit that ended the Neogene deposition in the Lublin Region. They outcrop in the upper partof Sarmatian sandstones building the butte elevations up 100 m high. These sandstones are porous, with an undefined oligomictic rock skeleton. They are mainly structureless but some sedimentary structures (e.g. cross-bedding,...
In this paper the evolution of paleogeographic models of the middle part of the Chodelka valley near Chodlik is presented. In the relief of the bottom valley clear traces of palaeochannels are present. Lithological and palynological analysis helped distinguish two phases in the development of this river. The first phase started in Late Vistulian, and continued in the early Holocene. At that time Chodelka...
Artykuł przedstawia problemy dotyczące rozwoju festiwali sztuki miejskiej w miastach postsocjalistycznych na przykładzie Łodzi – jednego z największych miast Polski. Autorzy przeprowadziliankietę podczas Festiwalu Medialnego „Człowiek niebezpieczeństwie”, zorganizowanego w Łodzi, a poświęconego głównie filmom dokumentalnym. Rozważania dotyczą zjawisk z dziedziny geografii kulturowej i miejskiej, analizowanych...
This paper aims to explore the modern deposition of lime and maple pollen in various plant communities as compared to the results obtained in palynological analyses of the Holocene paleosols in Kaczórki (the Middle Roztocze) and the Błędów Desert which are characterized by very high amounts of the pollen of these trees. The research shows that a high annual deposition of both lime and maple pollen...
The article presents ecomuseum as an example of innovative tourism product, created primarily in rural areas. The subject for analysis provided the offer of one of the Carpathian ecomuseums – Hołe ecomuseum.Ecomuseums tourist product is created on the basis of local resources – accommodation services, catering, local products and grass-roots community initiatives. When creating it, a numberof factors...
European Ecological Network Natura 2000 is a system of protection of threatened components of biodiversity in the EU. The legal basis for the creation of the Natura 2000 network is Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive) and Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora (Habitats...
In 2009–2010, in five points in Lublin, located in areas of different land use and built-up, measurements of air temperature and humidity were taken. Based on the data collected, the following elements were calculated: the difference in average monthly air temperature between the coldest point and the others, equivalent temperature (Tek) and Tek thermal sensations. Differencesin average monthly air...
The proposed text presents a conceptual change in the scope of some of the key concepts in the light of the two dictionaries (Britannica and Human Geography Dictionary) and Anglo-Saxon publications about the future of geography. Then, it combines the concept of references to the ongoing interdisciplinary studies included in the structure of the University of the Second and Third Generation.Applications...
Near Zamostya in the Volhynian Polesie (NW Ukraine) a first sedimentological attempt was made to explain the origin of glacimarginal forms forming sub-parallel trains. They belong to themost typical elements of the Polesie glacial relief from the Dnieper Glaciation. Lithofacial analysis was used during the research. Based on geomorphological situation of the glacimarginal forms andlithofacial features...
Lunar cratering chronology is a basis for chronology of meteorite impacts on Mars, Earth and on the other terrestrial planets. Moon is a calibration plate for cratering record for all inner solarsystem. There are two methods of preparing lunar flux curve: theoretical size-frequency distribution (SFD) proposed by Neukum et al. (2001) and empirical, based on the samples collected by thespace probes...
The Natura 2000 network includes two types of areas: Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for species other than birds, and for habitats. The main objective of the functioning of the Natura 2000 is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species of plants and animals that are considered as a valuable and endangered species across Europe...
W artykule określono aktualność tematyki oraz zaproponowano odpowiednią metodę badania. Scharakteryzowano rozpowszechnienie chorób wśród dzieci w mieście w latach 2000-2011, przeprowadzono analizę korelacyjną i regresyjną między spalinami transportu samochodowego a chorobami wśród dzieci w lwowskim urbosystemie.
In this paper there was presented the problem of national identity development in the Eastern Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The used source materials concerned with thedistribution of population speaking Polish and Ruthenian (Ukrainian) languages and declaring themselves as practising Roman Catholic or Greek Catholic religion within the administrative districts. The data came...
Zagłębienia bezodpływowe należą do głównych, a jednocześnie osobliwych elementów rzeźby obszarów lessowych. Celem badań była próba klasyfikacji zagłębień na podstawie ich cech zewnętrznych oraz określenie funkcji, jaką formy te pełnią we współczesnym krajobrazie obszarów lessowych Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego. Klasyfikacji zagłębień dokonano w oparciu o kryteria geomorfologiczne, hydrograficzne oraz...
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