Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy zjawiska homofobii w polskich realiach. Obszerna część teoretyczna została wzbogacona badaniami jakościowymi – wywiadami swobodnymi z osobami nieheteronormatywnymi na temat przemocy, dyskryminacji oraz innych trudności życiowych. Analiza materiału badawczego pozwoliła potwierdzić wysoki stopień homofobii bezpośredniej w badanych przez autorkę przypadkach, ale również tej pośredniej wymierzanej w ogół społeczności LG. W artykule zaprezentowano problemy, z jakimi muszą zmagać się osoby homoseksualne w Polsce. Oprócz badań autorskich w tekście przedstawiono również materiał badawczy pochodzący z nieopublikowanego jeszcze raportu Centrum Badań nad Uprzedzeniami. This article is about homophobia in Polish realities. An extensive theoretical element was also supplemented by qualitative research – interviews with homosexuals about violence, discrimination and other hardships. Analysis of the research material confirmed the high level of direct homophobia in cases with which the subjects were dealing, but also indirect homophobia which is targeted toward whole LGBT community. This article presents a range of problems which have to be faced by homosexuals in Poland. The article, besides the author’s own research, also consists of research material from the unpublished report of the Center for Research on Prejudice.
This article is about homophobia in Polish realities. An extensive theoretical element was also supplemented by qualitative research – interviews with homosexuals about violence, discrimination and other hardships. Analysis of the research material confirmed the high level of direct homophobia in cases with which the subjects were dealing, but also indirect homophobia which is targeted toward whole LGBT community. This article presents a range of problems which have to be faced by homosexuals in Poland. The article, besides the author’s own research, also consists of research material from the unpublished report of the Center for Research on Prejudice.