The matter of this essay is the metapolitical conception of Italian-Chilian thinker Prima Siena. Origins of this conception are philosophy of Attilio Mordini and thought of Silvano Panunzio – thinkers who tried to renew the medieval “imperial theology”. There are three rudimental categories in Siena’s conception: politics, crypto-politics and metapolitics. Politics is the core of ideal state (Politea), that is seen from three perspectives: as a subject of political science, as a subject of political philosophy, as a subject of reasonable practical acting (governing). Crypto-politics is the transition from natural political order to the contemporary crisis of values and institutions – this crisis manifests itself, inter alia, in cultural homogenization, economic materialism and totalitarianism of particracy. Metapolitics is – intentionally – a recapture of metaphysical and sacred meaning of politics. In panoramic view Siena shows the slip off (el deslizamiento) the theological and metaphysical meaning of politics (which dominated in Christian tradition and medieval Christianitas) and a fall down into the anthropological and naturalistic meaning of politics. The question of Siena is: is there any possibility to recapture the metapolitics as a “sacred science” which can bring nearer politics and transcendence. This question is the continuation of the thread from the Second Letter to the Thessalonians – the idea of “what withholdeth” (το κατεχων; qui tenet) the Antichrist’s coming. Siena interprets the idea of “what withholdeth” (το κατεχων) as an eschatological destination of Roman America civilization (América Románica).