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Cardiac arrest (CA) is an unpredictable event whose deleterious consequences can be minimized only by an immediate medical intervention in the first six minutes from the event, including cardiac defibrillation with automated external defibrillator (AED). Knowledge of AED distribution on a specific territory is functional to potentially provide immediate assistance while waiting for ambulance arrival...
39 million people in the world are blind. A good number of devices have been created or are under development, to let people suffering from blindness regain their sight, or at least the capability to recognize objects or to orient autonomously in space. Some devices were already developed to communicate the colors of the world to the user. We believe that, despite the physiological effects of colored...
The research here presented aims to the investigation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and of the sympatho-vagal balance during sleep-related seizures in patients affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia (FCD) type II. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) signal was recorded during sleep together with S-EEG (stereo EEG) acquisitions performed for pre-surgical evaluation. The sympatho-vagal balance was estimated...
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition mostly affecting children. The diagnosis and treatment of ADHD has been a controversial subject among researchers. In this study, we analyzed the accountability of using theta/beta ratio and beta activations as EEG-based biomarkers for assessing the brain activity acquired during an attention task in ADHD children (n =...
Despite obvious benefits to fatigue behavior of Laser Shock Peened components, this technology is still only applied in very limited cases in aviation and nuclear power industry. Limited number of lasers suitable for this treatment, their cost, size and working conditions are the most limiting factors. In this paper, we propose a new approach in the laser architecture which should overcome mentioned...
In this paper, we explore the possibility to exploit GEOBIA concepts for extracting features from multitemporal SAR images. The proposed processing chain is feed by the recently introduced products of the Level-1a and Level-1β families and aims at providing an unsupervised tool for information extraction particularly oriented toward the end-user community. The principal characteristics and the effectiveness...
Possible anisotropy resulting from Additive Manufacturing of metals is investigated. Superalloy Inconel 718 is considered and a number of specimens are manufactured by means of Selective Laser Melting, with different direction of growing. Tensile testing both at room and elevated temperature are conducted.
Neurally mediated syncope (NMS) is a disorder of the autonomic regulation of postural tone. These patients suffer from blood-pressure regulation failure resulting in hypo-perfusion of the brain, which might lead to significant injuries due to falls. Detection of the onset of blood-pressure regulation failure enables the patient to start counter-measures and, hence, avoid hypo-perfusion of the brain...
In this study, the possibility to use a layered silicate reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) in additive manufacturing applications was investigated. In particular, after melt compounding in a twin-screw extruder a filament for 3D printing applications was produced using a single-screw extruder. The influence of nanoclay on mechanical, thermal and viscoelastic properties of the produced filaments was...
In this study, dual-polarimetric (DP) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data collected by the Sentinel-1 SAR mission are exploited to monitor the change of surface water area of the dam of Monte Cotugno, Basilicata (Italy). The key point is extracting waterline using a reliable technique based on an incoherent combination of co- and cross-polarized SAR channels. Once the water covered area is estimated,...
Many devices for the smart mobility make use of low frequency magnetic sensors to determine the alignment of the device with respect to the earth field. In highly manned areas, the presence of meaningful disturbance fields must be expected and as much as possible counteracted. Typical sources of disturbances are metallic parts or AC power lines, possibly carrying spurious current harmonics induced...
In this paper we present a comprehensive discussion regarding the application to Synthetic Aperture Radar of coprime array concepts. The proposed coprime SAR configurations, which we name CopSAR and OrthoCopSAR depending on the used waveforms, can be used to reduce the amount of data to be stored and processed and to increase the range swath, in case of maritime scenes made up of bright targets over...
Magnetic materials, arranged in proper geometries, are used for the realization of microwave oscillators, like spin-transfer-torque and spin-Hall oscillators. In both cases, the synchronization of more oscillators allows the increase of the output power, that is needed for practical technological applications. In this paper, we show simulations of the synchronization of three spin-Hall oscillators,...
In this study, dual-polarimetric (DP) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data collected by the RadarSAT-2 SAR mission in Antarctica are exploited to observe Terra Nova Bay (TNB) polynya, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Single-polarization segmentation and a dual-polarimetric classification scheme are adopted to analyze the polynya. Experimental results show that single-polarization segmentation allows correctly...
Legs and feet ulcers are a common and significant public and economic health problem, especially due to the increase in the aging population. These type of wounds usually require a long-term clinical treatment and follow-up. The clinicians perform the diagnosis of skin ulcers on the visual assessment of pathological skin and this make the evaluation highly dependent on the observer and on his visual...
Transmission of digital information is one of the most important aspects of modern technology. It can be accomplished along paths of nanomagnets, following the paradigm of the so-called nanomagnetic logic. When the clocking of nanomagnets is obtained by means of spin-Hall effect, interesting magnetization configurations are revealed by micromagnetic simulations. In this work, we show details of the...
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