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This paper presents the design and implementation of a Handheld Logic Analyzer. It is based on the FPGA to capture 9 channel digital data and the ARM7 processor as a master controller, which reads these 9 channel data from the FPGA and sends them to the color graphics LCD to display as 9 channel waveforms. The system features include the ability to capture the data up to 10 MHz and the user can select...
The latest results on biasing (upsizing) the gate lengths of CMOS transistors implemented in advanced technologies have identified optimum lengths which allow maximizing the static noise margins (SNMs). The optimum lengths for nMOS and pMOS transistors were determined analytically, based on BSIM4v4.7.0 equations for the threshold voltage. Further, it has been shown through simulations that designs...
This paper presents an immune-inspired approach for detecting and isolating faults in a wind turbine system. A negative selection algorithm (NSA) is proposed which is derived from a mechanism in vertebrate immune systems known as negative selection. The proposed strategy is used to perform Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) on a wind turbine system. The results show that the proposed technique is...
Energy-aware connectivity in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can increase their network lifetime. This can be achieved by optimizing the power control, a particular communication mechanism and the topology control. To this end, in this paper', an energy-aware joint power, packet and topology optimization for WSNs is provided. More specifically, we assume power control based on feedback information,...
Pervasive healthcare systems, enabled by information and communication technology (ICT), can allow the elderly and chronically ill to stay at home while being constantly monitored. Patient monitoring can be achieved by sensors and sensor systems that are both worn by the patient and installed in his home environment. There is a large variety of sensors available on the market that can all serve to...
The main objective of this study is to conduct an optimal micro-siting of 1kW wind turbine to provide electricity for the eco-house project at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). The study utilizes the Numerical Weather Prediction models data to provide the required wind information. WAsP application is used to calculate the wind climatology and the annual energy production. It was found the closest potential...
This paper focuses on the development of a platform for energy conservation using real-time monitoring and feedback tools. These tools are used to engage users in a university setting to conserve energy. One of the buildings at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), campus in Al-Ain will serve as a foundation for research and as a catalyst for an effort to encourage users to save energy. Real-time...
This paper economically evaluates the investments in renewable energy projects in developing countries under their regulation from an investor's point of view. The selection of the best renewable energy investment is to be made under regulation considering incremental analysis of the projects. Solar PV, solar thermal, wind and hydro power projects are chosen to be under study.
Prediction of future load demand is important for secure operation of power systems and their economical utilization. A number of algorithms have been suggested for solving this problem. In this paper, a genetic-fuzzy-neural networks approach for mid-term load forecasting is proposed. In this paper the relationship between humidity, temperature and load is identified with a case study for a particular...
This paper presents a case study about the impacts of industrial loads on power quality. A review of harmonics causes, negative impacts, mitigation techniques, quantification indices and limits are presented. Moreover, harmonics measurements at three grid station that supply the three main industrial areas located in the Main Interconnected System (MIS) of Oman are conducted. Measurement results are...
In photovoltaic-fed applications, boosting the limited output voltage is very essential. Single-stage boost inverters can efficiently be used to interface renewable energy sources. In this paper, different topologies for the boost inverter, namely, (Interleaved, Cascaded, and Hybrid-Cascaded) are proposed with recommended applications for each type. Simulation results elucidate the proposed concepts.
Due to the concern in the rising of global warming and in the dwindling supply of fossil fuels, global exploitation of renewable energy technologies is increasing spontaneously. Most of the countries in the world are blessed with two or more renewable energy sources (RES) and hence have formulated policies to boost the utilization of RES for their electricity production. In order to further develop...
Principal aim of this work is to present a HVDC/FACTS control devices implementation framework for multipurpose on the GCC (Qatar, KSA, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and UAE) power grid. This framework architecture encompassed of five layers of FACTS control devices (STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC). This five-layer architecture is designed for its future growth and reusability so that more complex GCC power system...
Existing studies are to a great extent focus on energy saving mechanisms of individual customers, independently, from other energy consumers. This paper considers an agent-based cooperative model among consumers in the smart grid. The agents in our model act on behalf of residential consumers through techniques such as domestic energy controllers or the smart meters, which are available for end-users...
This paper describes the segregation of losses into technical and commercial and uses both empirical and simulation techniques. Conclusion shows that in case of feeders which are small and has fewer components the empirical formulas could well be used to segregate the losses
In this paper, we propose new Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) antenna using inverted F-slot in the patch and U-slot in the microstrip feed line This antenna is designed to cover the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) bandwidth (BW) for UWB applications (3.1–10.6 GHz) beside it has two notch bands: one at the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) applications based on the IEEE 802.11 standard for the frequency...
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