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Reliability analysis of critical systems is performed using fault trees. Fault trees are then converted to their equivalent Binary Decision Diagram, Cut Set, Markov Chain or Bayesian Network. These approaches however are complex and time consuming if a continuous time reliability curve is aimed, particularly for large systems. This paper introduces Hardware-based Reliability Tree (HRT). The HRT can...
As the multicast communication is utilized commonly in various parallel applications, the performance can be significantly improved by supporting multicast operations at the hardware level. In this paper, we define several factors of efficiency for unicast/multicast communication such as average of unicast latency, average of maximum multicast latency and level of parallelism in 3D mesh NoCs. Then,...
In this article, the effects of the single event upset on a Controller Area Network (CAN) controller and its effects on the network is being evaluated. The experiment is done using SINJECT fault injection tool in a simulation based environment. Three mail modules of the controller are used in three independent set of experiments in one of the CAN controllers of the network. The results show that the...
Carry propagation is a main problem in Residue Number System (RNS) arithmetic. This overhead can be eliminated by using redundant number representations which results in Redundant Residue Number System (RRNS). The RNS which uses Stored-Unibit-Transfer (SUT) encoding (SUT-RNS) has been shown as an efficient encoding for RRNS. In this paper, we first propose a general algorithm for radix-2h SUT-RNS...
Summary form only given. Technology forecasts indicate that device scaling will continue well into the next decade. Unfortunately, it is becoming extremely difficult to harness this increase in the number of transistors into performance due to a number of technological, circuit, architectural, methodological and programming challenges. In this talk, I will argue that the key emerging showstopper is...
In this paper, we propose OTRU, a high speed probabilistic multi-dimensional public key cryptosystem that encrypts eight data vectors in each encryption round. The underlying algebraic structure of the proposed scheme is the power-associative and alternative octonions algebra which can be defined over any Dedekind domain such as convolution polynomial ring. The proposed public key cryptosystem relies...
With increasing probability of failure and reliability concerns for interconnection networks, fault-tolerance is quickly becoming an integral part of such systems. It is therefore critical to provide an efficient fault-tolerant mechanism to keep the system running, even in the presence of faults. In this paper a distributed fault-tolerant routing methodology for mesh networks is proposed which supports...
This paper presents an efficient software technique to detect and correct control-flow errors through addition of redundant codes in a given program. The key innovation performed in the proposed technique is detection and correction of the control-flow errors using both control-flow graph and data-flow graph. Using this technique, most of control-flow errors in the program are detected first, and...
Positively weighted and negatively weighted bits (posibits, negabits) have been used in the interpretation of 2's-complement, negative-radix, and binary signed-digit number representation schemes as a way of facilitating the development of efficient arithmetic algorithms for various application domains. In this paper, we show that a more general view of posibits and negabits, along with their mixed...
Modulo 2n+1 adders and/or multipliers are used in digital filters, cryptographic systems, and digital signal processors based on residue number systems (RNS). The moduli set {2n-1, 2n, 2n+1} is popular in RNS applications, where the design of modulo 2n+1 multipliers is more challenging than the case of other two moduli. One reason is that the natural representation of residues in the range [0, 2n]...
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 15th Computer Society of Iran (CSI) Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems (CADS 2010). This premier symposium is jointly organized by the CSI and Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). We also welcome our international attendees to the great city of Tehran, capital of Iran, with numerous museums, sightseeing locations,...
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