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This paper presents principles and results of dynamic testing of an SRAM-based FPGA using time- resolved fault injection with a pulsed laser. The synchronization setup and experimental procedure are detailed. Fault injection results obtained with a DES crypto-core application implemented on a Xilinx Virtex II are discussed.
Due to their reconfigurability and their high density of resources, SRAM-based FPGAs are more and more used in embedded systems. For some applications (Pay-TV,Banking, Telecommunication ...), a high level of security is needed. FPGAs are intrinsically sensitive to ionizing effects, such as light stimulation, and attackers can try to exploit faults injected in the downloaded configuration. Previous...
This paper describes several methodologies based on a pulsed laser beam to reveal the architecture of a high integrated SDRAM, and the different classes of Single Event Effects that can occur due to cosmic radiations. At cell level, laser is used to reveal an important technological parameter: the lithography process. At memory array level, laser is a powerful tool to retrieve cell physical arrangements,...
Simultaneous switching noise (SSN) is an important issue for the design and test and actual ICs. In particular, SSN that originates from the internal logic circuitry becomes a serious problem as the speed and density of the internal circuit increase. In this paper, an on-chip monitor is proposed to detect potential logic errors in digital circuits due to the presence of SSN. This monitor checks the...
We propose a built-in scheme for generating all patterns of a given deterministic test set T. The scheme is based on grouping the columns of T, so that in each group of columns the number ri of unique representatives (row subvectors) as well as their product R over all such groups is kept at a minimum. The representatives of each group (segment) are then generated by a small finite state machine (FSM)...
We present a practical, systematical method for the evaluation of the soft error rate (SER) of microelectronic devices. Existing methodologies, practices and tools are integrated in a common approach while highlighting the need for specific data or tools. The showcased method is particularly adapted for evaluating the SER of very complex microelectronic devices by engineers confronted to increasingly...
Cryptographic devices are recently implemented with different countermeasures against side channel attacks and fault analysis. Moreover, some usual testing techniques, such as scan chains, are not allowed or restricted for security requirements. In this paper, we analyze the impact that error detecting schemes have on the testability of an implementation of the advanced encryption standard, in particular...
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are getting more and more attractive for military and aerospace applications, among others devices. The usage of non volatile FPGAs, like Flash-based ones, reduces permanent radiation effects but transient faults are still a concern. In this paper we propose a new methodology for effectively measuring the width of radiation-induced transient faults thus allowing...
Sets of Pairs of Functions to be Distinguished (SPFD) is a functional flexibility representation method that was recently introduced in the logic synthesis domain, and promises superiority in exploring the flexibility offered by a design over all previous representation methods. In this work, we illustrate how the SPFD of a particular wire reveals information regarding the number of potential transient...
One effective fault injection approach involves instrumenting the RTL in a controlled manner to incorporate fault injection, and evaluating the behaviour of the faulty RTL whilst running some benchmark programs. This approach relies on checking the effects of faults whilst the design is executing a specific binary image, and therefore the true impact of the fault is limited by the shadow of the program...
Present and future semiconductor technologies are characterized by increasing parameters variations as well as an increasing susceptibility to external disturbances. Transient errors during system operation are no longer restricted to memories but also affect random logic, and a robust design becomes mandatory to ensure a reliable system operation. Self-checking circuits rely on redundancy to detect...
Error correction is an effective way to mitigate fault attacks in cryptographic hardware. It is also an effective solution to soft errors in deep sub-micron technologies. To this end, we present a systematic method for designing single error correcting (SEC) and double error detecting (DED) finite field (Galoisfield) multipliers over GF(2m). The detection and correction are done on-line. We use multiple...
The problem of detection of control flow errors in software has been studied extensively in literature and many detection techniques have been proposed. These techniques typically have high memory and performance overheads and hence are unusable for real-time embedded systems which have tight memory and performance budgets. This paper presents two algorithms by which the overheads associated with...
Software-based self-test (SBST) is increasingly used for testing processor cores embedded in SoCs, mainly because it allows at-speed, low-cost testing, while requiring limited (if any) hardware modifications to the original design. However, the method requires effective techniques for generating suitable test programs and for monitoring the results. In the case of processor core testing, a particularly...
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