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We try to create the cryptographic scheme of producing two identical keys using, for the first time, entangled trinary quantum systems for quantum key distribution. The advantage of trinary quantum systems over the normally used binary quantum systems is an increased coding density and a higher security margin. The trinary quantum systems are encoded into the orbital angular momentum of photons, namely...
The defect structures such as surface atomic steps and point defects have been studied by computer simulation of ion scattering and channelling processes. The energy and angular distributions of ions scattered and dechannelled from semi-infinite and isolated steps on the Cu(100) and GaP(100) surface as well as the characteristics of particles channelled through Cu(100) with point defect structures...
Optical methods of an information communication requires development of the technology of processing of optical materials for making the active optical mediums. The method of a doping of optical materials by rare earths by an ion-beam deposition with the subsequent thermal bakeout was explored which allows to make enough uniform stratums of erbium and on sufficient depth in optic fibers.
In this report video conference communication system as one of the most striking example use of multimedia technology is considered. Video conference service gives an chance to effective real time realization of lectures, practical training, seminars, consultation in, and also ability realization of various testing forms and control knowledge in a distance, video conference communication system is...
When developing hotel information platform, the service providers face an important issue, how to attract more hotels to join in their platform without significantly increasing integration cost but maintaining effective information integration? This paper considers the issue in two aspects of business integration policy and technology support, which bring up a novel hotel power policy approach for...
In article are considered the questions of provision electromagnetic compatibility radio electronic facilities new technology with acting radio electronic facilities of different purpose.
A sensor network is a set of limited-capability nodes that are equipped with wireless transceivers and limited batteries. In this paper, we develop an optimization model for a time dependent planning process. Planning tasks include not only activating or deactivating a set of sensors, but also building a hierarchical architecture based on electing cluster heads in a strategic and energy saving manner...
Invention of the Internet and its spread in the world changes various aspects of human life. In addition, Internet changed human relations. Chat is one of the new aspects which invented after the Internet and is welcomed by users, especially by young people. In chat rooms, people talk with each other using text messages. Because of the need for quick typing of the word and also because of the high...
Repeat of preamble is a usual method for time and frequency synchronization in a large group of multicarrier systems. The essential drawback of this method is reduction of maximum estimated frequency offset range with increasing the length of preamble. Recently, Zhang et al. proposed a method for joint frame synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation scheme in OFDM systems. To the best...
Encryption, which is the backbone of security protocols, is computationally intensive and consumes energy and computational resources that are limited in wireless devices. This paper focuses on evaluating the performance of Rijndael-Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption scheme in terms of energy consumed and execution time, and modeling the computational operations involved. The objective...
The primary medium access control (MAC) protocol for wireless local area network (WLAN) is distributed coordination function (DCF) for IEEE 802.11. The binary exponential backoff (BEB) scheme used in 802.11 DCF mechanism may suffer from low throughput when the number of stations gets large due to the lack of flexibility in choosing the contention window size imposed by the standard. To improve the...
As an interconnection technology, Bluetooth has to address all traditional security problems, well known from the distributed networks. Moreover, as Bluetooth networks are formed by the radio links, there are also additional security aspects whose impact is yet not well understood. In this paper, we describe a new man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on Bluetooth secure simple pairing. The attack is based...
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless antenna systems are known as the effective means to achieve high capacity over wireless links. In this paper, we propose an adaptive packet-by-packet scheduling scheme, which considers channel state information, user's average throughput, and queueing state information when making scheduling decision. Our proposed scheduler, adaptive proportional fairness...
As global standards evolve on WPAN mobility, engineering design becomes more challenging for sensor nodes that form WPAN groups at random based on data sensing and acquisition (application) profiles. As sensor node platforms typically have computation blocks that can handle a minimal set of instructions (8 bit microcontrollers and less) and are greatly constrained (8KB static firmware footprint and...
In this paper, we propose a Voronoi detection range adjustment method that utilizes distributed Voronoi diagram to delimit the area of responsibility for each sensor. We then use genetic algorithm to optimize the most suitable detection range for each sensor. Simulations show that VERA outperforms maximum detection range, K-covered [Huang and Tseng, 2003], and greedy [Cardei et al., 2006] methods...
Abstract -In this paper, we present optimization tasks of the spectral and power efficiency of the m-ary channels' in wireless and mobile networks. The invariant efficiency criterions based on the m-ary digital channel's Shannon capacity are introduced. Two invariant fundamental resources efficiency optimums are investigated: first - the maximum spectral efficiency in bit-per-second-per-Hertz, and...
In this paper, we present a novel multi-service scheduling scheme while satisfying the principle of multi-service operation in E-UTRA. Instantaneous buffered packet size is used to modify the traditional proportional fair scheduling algorithm for reducing padding probability. Swapping resource between different services users satisfies the principle of multi-service operation and increases multi-user/service...
Energy aware routing protocol plays an important role in the performance of mobile ad hoc networks because mobile hosts in such networks are usually battery-operated. In this paper, based on TORA, we present an energy-aware routing protocol E-TORA. E-TORA selects routes according to hop count and residual energy of nodes. The nodes that have more energy have more probability chosen by E-TORA. Simulation...
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