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The study focuses on motivations for going into business which proved to be significantly differentiated according to gender. Women cited as one of the main motivation for going into business the possibilities for combining work and family responsibilities. Conversely, businessmen make a clear separation between their professional and family lives, and for them business is almost exclusively a mean...
The article is based on comparative analysis of data from the international longitudinal survey ISSP 1994 and 2002 which were focused on gender roles and family. In the analysis European countries were divided on the basis of their inhabitants' opinions on gender roles in the family and working mothers. Even though employment rate of women in Eastern Europe was higher during the state socialist regime...
The authoress examines the strategies used to set the borders and limits of assisted reproduction for postmenopausal women. In the Czech Republic women can undergo the assisted reproduction only till 48 years nowadays. There are two main images of postmenopausal women in the public space. The first one is negative and it treats these women like old grandmas who are not able to rear their child properly...
The paper examines the demographic situation in contemporary Czech society and its roots in the past. In the late 20th century there are two key development trends. Demographic model originated in 1950s (characterised by high fertility rates, high marriage rates (95%), high divorce rates (40%), low marriage age and so on) was left after the decline of socialism and the revival of original interwar...
In contemporary societies religion has still a great influence on the culture and the way of organizing social life. Consequently family, its structure, norms, functions and roles are determined by the religion and its values. The paper presents the role of marriage in the Christian and Islamic societies. Whereas for Christians the celibate plays a key role as it is seen as the most desirable way...
The paper examines individualised society and the status of parents and children within it. In the individualised society each individual is defined as a 'person' of his/her own and not as a member of a social group or a community. Modern concept of people focuses on originality of each person. Contemporary society requires well socialised people to be able to respect the other individual persons...
The paper deals with the topical issue of families in which mothers do not take parental leave and instead fathers take care of their children. The paper is based on a set of qualitative interviews with five couples. Whereas mothers are perceived routinely as naturally child-rearing person in a couple who give up her labour activity, interviewed women decided to continue working while their partners...
The authoresses examine issue of abortion in the Czech Republic in the era of socialism and in post-communism period. They compare statistical data (collected by Czech Statistical Office) and data from public opinion survey concerning abortions and reproduction trends. Data from public opinion survey differs from the statistical one and cannot prove that a special group of women prefer abortion as...
The authoresses analyze social changes within the family in western countries during the transformation towards modern individualized society. They based their statement on the theory of Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck Gernsheim and further on the theory of François de Singly. In accord with these theorists the authoresses define individualization as a process continuously proceeding for many centuries...
In contemporary Czech society the changes of reproduction patterns take place. They are characterised by postponing the marriage and parenthood. So called informal partnerships or unmarried couples are becoming more frequent which also results in a growing number of birth of extra-marital children. The number of women with children without partner is growing, too. The authoresses differ three types...
The article deals with the phenomenon of the sexual harassment in the working place in the Czech Republic. The authoresses analyze sexual harassment as one of effects of men's symbolic power over women causing cultural misrecognition of women and at the same time as one of factors supporting economic inequality between men and women in western societies. They apply the two-dimensional theory of justice...
The article deals with the phenomenon of linguistic sexism in the Czech language. The authoress argues for the development of non-sexist strategies in the Czech language and proposes the list of possible strategies how to reach gender neutral form of language. Her main argument is that language disposes symbolic power to define the content of gender roles and thus it can naturalize socially constructed...
The author deals with history of mass gym performances in the Czech Republic and analyzes theirs social and political meaning. From the point of view of gender that plays important role in rituals using symbolism of human body he compares Sokol festivals which have been taking place since nineteenth century with the communistic mass performances called 'Spartakiáda'. The mass Sokol exercises express...
The article deals with causes of lower involvement of women in political functions in the Czech Republic. The authoress identifies three sets of significant factors: institutional, socioeconomic and political cultural. Her approach is based on the model proposed by Pippa Norris to explain ratio of women in political functions in western European states, which involves both institutional and social...
The authoress' aim is to provide an orientation in the basic norms of European law. She deals with the act prohibiting discrimination in rewarding and describes an example of the discrimination which is important not only because the European court of justice applied its test of objective justification for the first time here, but also because in this case European court of justice for the first time...
The article analyses the most current myths regarding the sexual harassment in the Czech Republic. Specifically the authoress examines firstly the myth of non-existence and insignificancy which does not respect its latent nature; secondly she speaks about the myth of subjectivity and selfhood which denies the role of symbolic power and existence of unequal relations between men and women. Thirdly...
The paper shows affinity between cyberfeminism and thinking of J. Butler. The first part sums up Butler's texts. The identity is an effect of a repetition of subjectivation practices transmitted by the society. The materiality of the body and the structure of the mind are not conditions but consequences of culture, which are retrospectively naturalized. It's not possible to resist the power from a...
The authoress compares advantages and disadvantages of measures of positive discrimination and strategies of gender mainstreaming. At the beginning she describes the history of both measures and she focuses on their use for the purposes of gender equality. Whereas the authoress criticizes measures of positive discrimination on the basis of its stigmatizing and categorizing potential effect, she highlights...
The authoress analyzes the influence of the EU enlargement on women's and feminist NGOs and women's groups in the Czech Republic. She identifies main proceeding changes in non-governmental sphere and civic mobilization which are analyzed as consequences of Czech Republic's accession to the EU. Namely she discuss processes of professionalization - hence establishment of professional women's and feminist...
As we can support with objective evidence, the position of men and women on the Czech labour market is not equal: (i) There is an obvious gender pay gap. (ii) Women are overrepresented in lower-paid professions with lower social prestige. Many authors (e.g. Cermáková, Crompton, Bradley) concerned with explanation of the reasons of the gender inequalities on the labour market emphasize the role of...
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