The incorporation method was employed to produce bioactive glass–ceramics from the BaFe 12 O 19 –SiO 2 –CaO–Na 2 O–P 2 O 5 glass system. The ferrimagnetic BaFe 12 O 19 was first prepared using a simple mixed oxide method, where the oxide precursors of 45S5 bioglass were initially mixed and then melted to form glass. The devitrification of Na 3 Ca 6 (PO 4 ) 5 and Fe 3 O 4 was observed in all of the quenched glass samples. The glass samples were then subjected to a heat treatment schedule for further crystallization. It was found that the small traces of BaFe 12 O 19 phases started to crystallize in high BF content samples of 20 and 40wt%. These samples also exhibited good magnetic properties comparable to that of other magnetic glass–ceramics. The bioactivity of the BF glass–ceramics improved with increasing BF content as was evident by the formation of bone-like apatite layers on the surface of all of the glass–ceramics after soaking in SBF for 14 days. The results support the use of these bioactive glass–ceramics for hyperthermia treatment within the human body.