The EU Water Framework Directives (WFD) prescribes to achieve a good status of surface waters by 2015. To keep this deadline of a new three level (surveillance, operational and investigative) monitoring system is required, including hydro-morphological, biological and chemical elements. The status of a water body should be related to the reference conditions, depending on surface water types. In Hungary, the standard monitoring network for surface water quality has been operated for rivers and large lakes; however no satisfactory information is available for small water bodies. Therefore, there is an urgent need to design a methodology to develop a monitoring network for small watercourses. For this purpose a slightly impacted mountain stream (Nagy Stream in Mátra Mountains), was selected and intensively monitored during three years (May 2002→May 2005). Hydrological, biological and chemical parameters required by WFD were monitored in this program. Variability of parameters vs. time and space was also investigated. The minimum frequency of sampling was determined for chosen physico-chemical components to meet the WFD standards for confidence. It was found that the minimum frequency of sampling suggested by WFD in space and time may not be adequate for precise and accurate characterization of water quality.