The Gemericum is a segment of the Variscan orogen subsequently deformed by the Alpine-Carpathian orogeny. The unit contains abundant siderite-sulphide and quartz-antimony veins together with stratabound siderite replacement deposits in limestones and stratiform sulphide mineralization in volcano-sedimentary sequences. The siderite-sulphide veins and siderite replacement deposits of the Gemericum represent one of the largest accumulations of siderite in the world, with about 160 million tonnes of mineable FeCO 3 . More than 1200 steeply dipping hydrothermal veins are arranged in a regional tectonic and compositional pattern, reflecting the distribution of regional metamorphic zones. Siderite-sulphide veins are typically contained in low-grade (chlorite zone) sedimentary, volcano-sedimentary or volcanic Lower and Upper Paleozoic rocks. Quartz-antimony veins are hosted by higher-grade units (biotite zone). Siderite-sulphide veins are dominated by early siderite followed by a complex set of stages, including quartz-sulphide (chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite), barite, tourmaline-quartz, and sulphide-remobilization stages. The temporal evolution of these stages is difficult to study because of the widespread and repeated tectonic processes, within-vein replacement and recrystallization. Siderite-sulphide veins show considerable vertical (up to 1200 m) and lateral (up to 15 km) extent, and a thickness typically reaching several metres. Carbonate-replacement siderite deposits of the Gemericum are hosted by a Silurian limestone belt and are similar to stratabound siderite deposits of the Eastern Alps (e.g., Erzberg, Austria).Based on a review of geological, petrological and geochronological data for the Gemericum, and extensive stable and radiogenic isotope data and fluid inclusion data on hydrothermal minerals, the siderite-sulphide veins and siderite replacement deposits are classified as metamorphogenic in a broad sense. The deposits were formed during several stages of regional crustal-scale fluid flow. Isotope (S, C, Sr, Pb) fingerprinting identifies the metamorphosed rock complexes of the Gemericum as a source of most components of hydrothermal fluids. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data evidence the participation of several contrasting fluid types, and the existence of contrasting P-T conditions during vein evolution. A high-δ 1 8 O, medium- to high-salinity, H 2 O-type fluid is the most important component during siderite deposition, whereas H 2 O-CO 2 -type fluid inclusion containing dense liquid CO 2 and corresponding to minimal pressures between 1 and 3 kbar were found in a younger tourmaline-quartz stage. Younger quartz-ankerite(+/-siderite)-sulphide stages are characterized by high-salinity (17 to 35 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and low-temperature (T h =90 to 180 o C) H 2 O-type fluids.The vein deposits are interpreted as a result of multistage hydrothermal circulation, with Variscan and Alpine mineralization phases. Based on available indirect data, the most important mineralization phase was related to regional fluid flow during the uplift of a Variscan metamorphic core complex, producing siderite-sulphide (+/-barite) mineralization, while tourmaline-quartz stage and sulphide remobilization stages are related to Alpine processes. Two phases of vein evolution are evident from two groups of 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr isotope ratios of Sr-rich, Rb-poor hydrothermal minerals: 0.71042-0.71541 in older barite and 0.7190-0.7220 in late-stage celestine and strontianite.