The heat transfer characteristics of the natural convection regime through a vertical rectangular channel simulating a cooling channel of typical material testing reactor have been experimentally investigated. Experiments are performed on demineralized water as coolant passing under atmospheric pressure through narrow rectangular channel of 80cm length, 7cm width and 2.7mm gap thickness under different heat fluxes ranging from 2.7kW/m 2 to 26.8kW/m 2 that covers almost all possible heat fluxes in the single-phase liquid. The measured local Nusselt number values are compared with the predictions of two correlations for both natural and combined natural and forced convection regimes respectively. The comparison shows the need for developing new correlation to represent the obtained experimental results and to be utilized for the prediction of the local Nusselt number in thermal–hydraulics and safety analysis of the reactor. The developed correlation fits the experimental data within 5.8% relative standard deviation.