This is an expert consensus document created to provide information about the current use of cardiovascular computed tomography (CT) in patients of all ages with proven or suspected congenital heart disease (CHD). The discussion and recommendations are based on available literature and the judgment of a diverse group of subspecialists with extensive experience in the use of CT imaging in CHD. The field of CHD CT imaging is evolving rapidly with the availability of new scanner technology. In addition, the prevalence of palliated CHD has increased with marked improvements in patient survival. We believe it is important to review the clinical indications, strengths, limitations, and risks of cardiovascular CT in this patient population. This is the first of two complementary documents. It will concentrate on the disease entities and circumstances in which CT may be used. The second document will focus on recommendations for the technical performance of cardiovascular CT in patients with CHD.Successful cardiovascular CT imaging of CHD requires an in depth understanding of the core teaching elements of both cardiology and radiology. The ability to perform and interpret high quality congenital cardiovascular CT in a clinical context requires focused time and effort regardless of the previous background of the cardiac imager. This is reflected by a writing committee that consists of pediatric and adult radiologists and cardiologists, all whom have extensive experience in performing CT in this patient population. Cardiovascular CT is complementary to other imaging modalities and its optimal use will be in centers where all diagnostic modalities are available. The choice of modality for an individual patient should be determined by age, diagnosis, clinical condition, clinical question and patient preference.
1–4 Use of CT in CHD should be reserved for situations in which it is expected to provide unique diagnostic information for the individual patient or clinical indication, and/or less risk than other modalities. This multi-disciplinary document is intended to guide the optimal selection of CHD patients for cardiovascular CT.The goals of this document apply to both pediatric and adult CHD patients and are to:
- 1)
Review the current use of cardiovascular CT.
- 2)
Assess the most up to date information on risks, benefits, as well as limitations of cardiovascular CT.
- 3)
Provide disease-specific indications for cardiovascular CT imaging.
- 4)
Outline a consensus opinion on the essential skills and knowledge needed to optimally perform and interpret cardiovascular CT.