The article presents Grandville (1803–1847) –a French cartoonist, caricaturist, and illustrator (i.a., of La Fontaine’s SelectedFables, Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, and Balzac’s Works), as well as the author of Another World, a book where words and pictures form an integral whole. Although he was popular during his lifetime and then recalled from time to time (e.g., by the surrealists, or 50 years ago by the French critic Pierre Restany), he has been forgotten throughout the years and is still not very well-known today. Some of his works are more widely known, as they were popularized by the album cover designers of such rock groups as Queen(figs. 4 and 5) or Alice in Chains (fig. 10). On the reverse of the cover of Innuendo, the designers used a picture from Another World showing the finale of a concert where an ophicleide (once a popular instrument) explodes like a bomb scattering musicalnotes (figs. 8 and 9). The music theme appears in a number of Grandville’s works, e.g., in Berlioz’s caricature entitled A Concert for Cannon (fig. 14) or Steam Concert (from Another World; fig. 15), where the musicians look as if they were cast from castiron elements of machines or factory shop equipment, their heads just being steam coming out from neck-tubes. Grandville lived and created in the “age of steam and electricity,” so it is not surprising that his works often refer to the changing world of the first industrial revolution.[Magdalena Węgrzyńska (tł.)].