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„Zdrowie największą wartością” – ewaluacja projektu z zakresu edukacji prozdrowotnej zrealizowanego w Zespole Szkół Samochodowo - Usługowych w Skarżysku Kamiennej
„Health as the highest value” – the evaluation of the project in the field of pro health education realized in the Complex of Car-Service Schools in Skarżysko Kamienna
The purpose of the following report is presenting the findings of the evaluation conducted in the field of the project realised in the Complex of Car-Service Schools in Skarżysko Kamienna whose topic was pro health education. School education should consider the health topics in a number of ways implemented into the didactic-educational process by means of innovative teaching methods. Hence, it is worth striving to enrich the health knowledge and strengthen prophylactic actions amongst the youth since effective pro health education allows improving general well-being.