As a result of the accession to the EU new tasks are assigned to a parliament of a Member State. In the literature of the subject, these tasks began to be qualified as a new function of parliament, called the European function. Such a distinction is justified by not only the evolution of EU regulations that increasingly specify the competencies of national parliaments in EU matters, but also changes in traditional powers of parliaments generated by membership in the Communities and, then, the EU, as well as the emergence of new elements of the European function. The author examines the issue of assessment of the new tasks of the national parliaments in connection with the ongoing integration processes, which — due to the economic crisis — has received a new dimension (the involvement of parliaments in the EU economic affairs). She also attempts to define a new European function of national parliaments and to present its content and the extent of its operation (oversight of the EU legislative process, including the yellow, orange and red card procedures).