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URBAN STRUCTURE DYNAMICS OF KLAIPEDA AND THE OTHER BALTIC SEAPORTS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION (Klaipedos ir kitu Baltijos uostamiesciu urbanistines strukturos kaita globalizacijos kontekste)
The paper presents a part of the dissertation work 'Urban dynamics of the Lithuanian seaside';. This section covers the problems of Klaipeda urban development and assessment of new opportunities under the effect of globalization factors. Klaipeda is compared with the other Baltic seaports in order to investigate its potential for redevelopment and dynamics of the urban structure. The study reveals the most important trend of urban dynamics in the era of globalization - an integrated development of the seaport and city system. Common development of these structures allows to solve the problems of both port and city in the most efficient way. In such a context Klaipeda appears as a seaport city which is changing along the seaside contrary to the natural seaport life cycle. This contradiction occurs because of urban development which is complicated by natural factors, land shortage and difficulties in coordinating different interests of stakeholders. Klaipeda seaport could also be applicable for rational decision-making in the field of urban development. It could be implemented by applying the pratice of the other Baltic seaports which is based on analysing the seaside efficiency, using new seaport development models and trends of systematic urban planning. On this basis Klaipeda should become an area of urban development with an integrated planning of the seaport and city system considering the relationship between these still little related parts