This paper addresses the spelling of the Czech terms sémantickosyntaktický ‘semantic-syntactic’ and formálněsyntaktický ‘formal-syntactic’ against the background of the development of syntactic description in Czech and consists of two parts. (1) The term syntaktickosémantický in syntactic semantics of a simple sentence, which emerged as a scientific discipline only after lexical semantics, is dealt with. This branch of linguistics employs the term formálněsyntaktický for constituent dependence in simple sentences and for denoting (formal-syntactic) relationships called hypotaxis and parataxis in complex sentences. (2) In the description of complex sentences proposed by Štěpán (2013b), the term formálněsyntaktický (from formální syntax) is used to describe the behaviour of subordinators and coordinators, and the term sémantickosyntaktický (from sémantická syntax) for relationships of determination, coordination, parenthesis, apposition, and comparison. In these compound adjectives, their components are written together in Czech without a hyphen in accordance with spelling rules.